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Pharmaceutical drugs are a big NO

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11:56:33 PM

I'm currently dealing with an ear infection that I'm treating naturally (and I pray it gets better; I really don't want it to progess to the point where I may actually need antibiotics). Before I decided to go the natural route, I went to the doctor twice. The first time they prescribed me neomycin. The second time they prescribed me ciprodex. Now, I don't mind tylenol or pamprin every now and then. I don't experience pain or discomfort on a daily basis so it's not like I take those drugs every day, week or month. But I'm extremely cautious of what I put on and in my body including everyday medicine. So naturally, I flipped out when I read the warning that came with the neomycin (permanent hearing loss). Firstly, when I did further research on prescription ear drops, most of the information I gathered concluded that antibiotics should be a last resort. Secondly, I also found out that the majority of prescription ear drops are ototoxic (toxic to the ear). Why would you prescribe me something that could permanently damage my ear (in this case, my hearing)? And all it takes is one application! So I went back to the doctor and asked them to change the prescription (to amoxicillin since penicillin drugs aren't considered ototoxic from what I read) and they gave me ciprodex (apparently, amoxicillin isn't for outer ear infections). To my surprise, ciprodex is even worse! There's an entire online community of people (they call themselves "floxy" or "floxie") who have had severe adverse reactions to quinolone drugs (reading their stories reminded me of our community; I pray for all of us!). It can cause permanent nerve and tendon damage. And just like with the neomycin, all it takes is one application! Even the FDA has warned against quinolone drugs because of the high risk involved (I know the FDA is not to be trusted but it is worth pointing out that even they have taken notice of the terrible side effects of certain prescription drugs). I'm so glad I did my research! I was seriously considering taking the ciprodex because most of what I had read up until last night didn't seem as bad as the neomycin. I don't know if it was a sign from god or just my own intuition (coupled with fear and paranoia) that kept me searching the internet for more information but I finally came across the "floxing" community and it changed everything! I was actually gonna take those dang ear drops after I got off the phone with linn last night. Now, I'm not sure if the natural organic ear drops I'm using are helping but it sure as hell beats a lifetime of ten+ more health complications (and a possible law suit) because of prescription drugs. I know this is a long and winded post, but basically, I wanted people to know that there is always a safer way to treat health problems. I want to suggest to everyone to go with natural remedies first. Go to a doctor and see what they have to say (a doctor's advice is always welcome) but take it with a grain of salt (and most of them know nothing of natural remedies so don't even ask).

John B
9:23:46 AM

Hello Tia,

I have invested the last 25 years into teaching people how to be healthy naturally and providing natural alternatives to potentially dangerous drugs. Indeed, deaths from adverse drug responses are the number three cause of death in this country today.

After losing one of my closest friends to an adverse drug event last year related to statin drug use, I resolved to find a way to prevent another such calamity amongst my family, friends, clients and customers. I am thrilled to announce that we are partnering with a national lab to make available advanced genetic testing so that those who must take drugs can do so with confidence, knowing that the drug they are taking is compatible with their genetic makeup and the dose they are given will produce optimal results.

This is an unprecedented win win scenario for patients who no longer have to play the guinea pig and providers who can prescribe with total confidence that the drug they have chosen for their patient is the best choice at the ideal dosage. Patients experience less risk and improved outcomes (including benefitting from dramatically enhanced early detection capabilities), and providers can basically eliminate their malpractice risks associated with prescriptions.

The same lab offers advanced Allergy Testing and Immunotherapy services with an 85% remission rate, amazing as well.

Fortunately, this advanced testing is covered by insurance, but as you might expect, it is fairly costly for those with no insurance.

Anyway, I will make more information available in the coming days and Mel has invited me to share more about this on the next conference call.

What a mighty blessing this is for all who must be exposed to the unknown risks of prescription drugs!



11:49:08 AM

Dear Tia,

Sovereign silver is safer way. One drop in ear.

I hope this helps,
