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Pokys Mom

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Original 6/6/2013 Post

3:35:28 PM

I have been talking to my husband about starting the Logos Supplements. I ordered them. They are coming in the mail, and I am going to give them to him for Fathers Day. I know it will be hard for him to give up his bad eating habits , and wine and beer drinking, but I am also working on that.He eats what I cook at dinner time. He is a hold out on the MMS. Says it's bleach and he will never drink it. I have to find a way to make him watch the video. Pray for me as he is very stubborn. Maybe he will start to feel so well that he will become more open minded to it. Question....he takes Lovazza for his Cholesterol. Should he not take the essential omegas? Love , prayers, and peace to all. Lisa
Responses (Newest First)

5:15:02 PM

Hi Lisa,

Congratulations on your progress! Baby steps will get you there... even if you have to take a step back every now and then.

The omegas are fine and will not elevate his cholesterol. I am glad to hear you are getting him on the protocol - especially the Ubinol - since he is taking a statin drug.

Depletion of serum CoQ10 levels is the primary culprit behind most of the side effects of statin drugs.

You and your family remain in our prayers Lisa. I look forward to seeing what God has in store for you.


John Burgstiner