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Questions for John Burgstiner March '13

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Original 3/4/2013 Post

Leah2/New Feb '13
2:38:01 PM

Hello to John and Everyone,

I am 63 y/o woman, who has struggled w/Morgellons for almost 4 years. I am very grateful to Mel, John, Pamela M, the programmer, the Morg/warriors, and the protocol donators. I started Mel's strenthening protocol on Feb. 3, 2013. The introduction to MMS was yesterday, 2 drops.

John, the questions are:

Does a person w/osteoporosis need additional calcium? (several wks. ago I added a 1000 mg bone marrow product that I've used for yrs.)

It is inadvisable to take Ester C, 500 mg at lunch?

I take a 20 mg antidepressant and wonder if that is alright to take.

Thank you.

G-d Bless,

Responses (Newest First)

2:18:32 PM

Hi Leah,

I apologize for the delay in responding to your post. I was saddened to see this morning that I had let it 'slip through the cracks' so to speak.

I would say that I'm losing my mind, but it is debatable whether I ever had one to begin with...

The short answer to your question on calcium is probably not. A person with osteoporosis may need additional calcium, but ironically in some cases, taking more calcium may in fact make things worse. Instead of rebuilding bone, it can result in greater calcification of soft tissues.

Let me explain:

Unless the problem is a direct side effect of a drug (i.e.- corticosteroids, birth control pills, certain anti-seizure, anti-depressant or diabetes meds), osteoporosis is typically seen in people with acid promoting diets, mineral deficiencies (especially magnesium)and chronic thyroid suppression (or hyperactivity).

As discussed in my article on the importance of Strong Bones, proper calcium absorption and metabolism cannot happen unless adequate magnesium levels are present - not to mention all of the other various minerals and cofactors involved in the bone building process.

In the supplement industry, bone health formulas are often referred to as Cal-Mags because those two synergistic minerals dominate the formulas, but unfortunately for most, their ratios are reversed from what is needed (typically you see anywhere from a 2:1 to a 5:1 ratio of cal:mag).

In the short term, people with excess acid respond favorably to calcium supplementation, but without adequate magnesium they end up with a myriad of problems associated with calcification of soft tissues.

When Logos launched MagnifiCal, it was a revolutionary product because it reversed the ratio to 3:1 in favor of magnesium. It worked so well in reversing calcification and restoring dietary calcium absorption that we removed the added calcium from the formula entirely.

Physicians who have worked with the formula in clinical practice have reported remarkable gains in their patients' bone mass as well as tremendous improvement in their overall health as they reversed calcification in their organs and soft tissues.

Taking Ester C is not a problem, although Mel dose advise not taking it within an hour or so of taking MMS as it inactivates it (Vitamin C is reportedly the antidote to MMS overdose).

Only your doctor can advise you on the appropriate use of prescription drugs such as your antidepressant medication. There is certainly a time and place for such things. Fortunately, we have often seen people become less dependent on any type of drug as their bioterrain and brain physiology are restored.

Again, sorry for the slow reply. I hope this information is helpful to you.

Peace and Blessings,
