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Rashes...please help!

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2:16:28 AM

Hi Tia,

Thinking of you! I hope you are doing ok! Keeping you in prayer.

11:11:22 AM

Hi Tia

I think both suggestions by Peter and Debra were great! I've never tried Sarna, or Dr wheatgrass, they sound like products with looking into. I think cleaning up diet.. No sugar, protocol, sun and lots of water focusing on the internal cleansing will eventually improve what's going on on with your rash. For me sometimes when I had an itchy rash that just couldn't clear up fast enough I would mix a little prescription strength hydrocortisone directly on it and within a day or two the rash would go away. I know this might not be the most natural option but it's what I would do and it worked. I also used coconut oil over my body after showering, and just spot treat with a bit of hydrocortisone. Hope your rash clears up asap!

Blessings, Nicole

Deborah B.
7:38:53 PM

Hi Tia,

I wanted to jump in and add a few thoughts to Peter's great advice.

From what you describe it sounds like you might be going through a detox stage that some of us (but not all) faced in the first months of recovery. The patches of raised, red, hyper-itchy skin are nearly identical to eczema. If you look on-line at photos of eczema and descriptions of the symptoms of it, you might recognize your own symptoms and appearance.

That is not to say that what you have is common, garden-variety eczema. This is Morgellons induced eczema and it is not for the faint of heart! ;-) It is a detox symptom that seems to kick-in sometime after the first month or two on the protocol when our bodies are throwing off toxins at a very fast rate. It's extremely uncomfortable but a good sign that the protocol is working to clear your system of toxins.

Another bit of good news is that for most people it lasts a relatively short period of time and when it's over. . . it's over for good! ;-) For me it was about one month, for others a bit longer. Then the symptoms of crawling, biting and more mild itching that Peter mentioned tend to kick-in. While they last a great deal longer, they are much more manageable and are greatly helped by MMS and Kleen Green.

At the time that I experienced eczema, Mel suggested I avoid MMS baths and sprays until after it had resolved. MMS may just be too harsh when your skin is that inflamed. I noticed a big improvement when I took things a bit slower and allowed my skin to detox and heal before going back to the baths. Like you, I also found that the Kleen Green did not help much with this particular stage but later was very helpful.

What did help was plain coconut oil gently rubbed in to the skin at night and combined with an anti-itch cream that you can get over the counter called "Sarna". That helped at first, but later I got the best relief from a product called "Dr. Wheatgrass" Eczema Cream. It is all organic and chemical free. It's a bit spendy and you have to order on-line, but oh, I can't tell you what a blessed relief it was to control the itch and burning. I could finally sleep through the night. My skin responded almost immediately and began to heal. I recovered so quickly that I only had to order one tube of it, so in the end it was well worth the cost and lasted a long time.

If you believe what you are experiencing is similar to eczema, my advice would be to avoid MMS , harsh soaps and Kleen Green for a month or so until you begin to feel better. Drink lots of water to speed the flushing out of the toxins, and find a good, soothing eczema product that is organic and chemical free to keep your rash moisturized and cooled until healing can kick-in.

I had never experienced eczema in my life before Morgellons, and except for that one month, I never have since. I believe that intense, red, itchy and weeping eczema-like rashes are just an initial stage of purging for some of us. Thankfully, it is short lived. . . this too will pass!

Blessings and prayers for a quick recovery,

Deborah B.

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