Nicole 8/15/2015 11:11:22 AM
| Hi Tia
I think both suggestions by Peter and Debra were great! I've never tried Sarna, or Dr wheatgrass, they sound like products with looking into. I think cleaning up diet.. No sugar, protocol, sun and lots of water focusing on the internal cleansing will eventually improve what's going on on with your rash. For me sometimes when I had an itchy rash that just couldn't clear up fast enough I would mix a little prescription strength hydrocortisone directly on it and within a day or two the rash would go away. I know this might not be the most natural option but it's what I would do and it worked. I also used coconut oil over my body after showering, and just spot treat with a bit of hydrocortisone. Hope your rash clears up asap!
Blessings, Nicole