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Reaching Out

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Original 2/26/2013 Post

Nancy G
7:14:02 PM

Winding down my third month (90 day mark) and although I see many improvements such as limited itching ( thanks in big part to finally purchasing Kleen Green- yes it works magic! and regret not buying it earlier on) some better concentration and far less crawling sensations especially in scalp, I still have those flying dandruff fibers coming from my head seen in the sunlight. They fly and dart and I am still trying to find a way to reduce and rid myself of them as it is a psychological battle to deal with too. My arm lesions/sores are still there in many places, but are scabbing over more and more- I have many scars as stated before and still new lesions. At three months I had hoped they would be clearing. I am able to handle things better though sort of co existing with the dandruff and sores, but the biggest contender that is testing me to no end is major depression and feelings that I sometimes can't shake surrounding this illness. I feel like it has taken over my psych in some ways and it takes far more effort to fight this off than the skin and scalp problems. I started a part time job but still having some self doubt on the cognitive front and the depression is not helping. Lots of anxiety still. My dr prescribed an anti depressant but i am reluctant to take more toxic medication??? Any thoughts, views, advice John? anyone? It's a little scary because I just don't have my zest for life and Morgellons still consumes my thinking a lot. I am exhausted with new job and come home to lonely apartment. Sorry for the downer but this is the reality of it and I wanted to reach out. I am still committed fully to the protocol but the depression is rough.
Responses (Newest First)

Nancy G
7:23:42 PM

John, Thank you for your response, it is very helpful to me and for the prayers. Sincerely, Nancy

John Burgstiner
12:02:17 PM

Depression is definitely rough... especially when compounded with isolation.

You have already received some sound advice here. Vitamin D deficiency can cause a multitude of problems, and chronic depression is one of them.

In the long run, restoring your bioterrain will greatly improve your brain physiology and mental stability. In the meantime, you may need a little extra help - and that is ok.

Praying for you Nancy...

In His Love,


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