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Reluctant warrior needs HELP! ?

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Original 9/9/2014 Post

9:45:51 PM

Morg post
I look at the list of symptoms and I believe have had many and am scared of those to come! A warm Hello to anyone who is reading this right now!
I have been reading many of your posts and I hope desperately to hear from any or all of you and gain wisdom from your experiences.

I too have a relationship w Christ, who I love and I saw this site had believers and knew this is where I needed to focus. I'm very very scared right now. I don't want all these bodily changes I have read about you all suffering! It pains me to read some of your posts and I'm so inspired that you have such hope.

If I'm going to be losing my hair/teeth, worms coming out of me (this is when I will need someone/support the most!), get lesions on my body, random painful cuts, pain in joints, headaches, brain fogs, acne and rashes all over my face and body etc. I honestly would rather just end it!

I used to be filled with life and had clothes, jewelry and shoes (girly girl) i was an avid planner/researcher, worked out, went to college was trying to finish, loved music, served God /others, had a good paying full time job, many Christian friends, had gone dancing once in a bit and now I'm hearing I may not even get up in the morning or go to sleep without crying. I don't want this!!

It was hard just quitting sugar and being consistent enough to stay working out 2 x a week before this! Consistency has always been an issue for me! Now this! no carbs, dairy, or sugar consistently for at least 18 months?! How on earth can I deal w this?!

My back story is I thought we got scabies around beginning of July 2014 (my fiancée and I; stay tuned, if I get ugly physically AND. emotionally he may leave me)...the incessant crawling began DAY AND NIGHT. So I thought scabies and we did the Perm 5% cream and since i had already been sick and recovering w h pylori /antibiotics before this so I stopped taking the dr. presc antihistamines, (which i read suppressed my immune system/response) and said no to Ivermectin and started eating garlic filled foods as much as possible and going through a scabies/bird mite cleaning routine daily

I was so exhausted from the cleaning, as I'm sure you all know about! Then upon searching for the how/the why of this I found many bugs in the apt so i gave my 30 days and moved out (praise God He took care of me through my friends in paying for somewhere til the end of September)

Now I have just moved into a completely new place: having left most of my belongings in storage or thrown away. I have a plastic bed, a pillow in plastic, a cotton blanket, 4 books, bible, a laptop, plastic shoes, clothes donated from my church "friends" and cut my long hair off. I am reconsidering even going back to school this semester if I'm gonna be all ugly and sick and brain dead some days/weeks, then public speaking and comms (my major) should not be undertaken right now.

Based on stories from here, guess as soon as I start protocol and changing/purging or saying "Morgellons" the friends will be leaving me too or I won't be seeing them much out of fear.

My symptoms currently are that I have black specks, white specks on my plastic mattress and my skin, crawling everywhere on me (lil less during day), strange red rash things looking like cuts, stomach rash, bites/pimples on my chest and neck and lots of new (almost 5-10 daily) brown "sunspots" freckle things (even when I'm not in the sun, and these are in places where sun does not get to).

I some nights get chills but I do not know if its actually cold or my body is just going nuts from this? I itch randomly and I have the crawling feeling on my scalp and biting itching strongly in my crotch, hands and legs. I use tape now to stop it sometimes or catch something to view in a microscope w my Bio prof. Dear God are these little pimples all going to be lesions?! I really don't want have lesions or worms! I actually have a bug phobia. Sometimes I feel like the mites followed me here? I did see small whitish mites in many places of my previous home.
I have not slept in that house since aug 19, and before I moved to this new place i was getting bitten nightly (nighttime is definitely worse for me) with increasing rash symptoms, pin prick biting even after I stopped sleeping in the room and went to sleep on the living room couch it seemed whatever it was, the black specks followed me.

I really miss my old life. Life in general. How can everything change so drastically in just 1-2 months? I lost my job right before this happened and was already recovering from h pylori! I don't really hug/touch my fiancée because I am fearful of giving it back to him. Can this happen? He has on off crawling or itching and now has strange hard pimple things. His beard tickles when he comes in contact w certain things from our old place in the storage. what on earth is this? About him: He is younger than me and African American/White and always had a much better body and immune system than me. As of now, he is/was the kindest soul I have ever met and lived me deeply. He also loved and had strong faith in God which helps us tremendously!

My happiness, purpose, heart and previous life seems a swirling distant memory that I still long for, and I have been feeling so broken and alone. I ask God for peace to sleep, to forgive me, for strength and the will to continue on living, because I don't want to live anymore. I don't want to have this, I cried for many weeks and when I read about this possibility, I begged God fervently DAILY to please let it not be this! I was suicidal, but have since repented.

Many a late night (12a-5a) I blamed God for this til I was opened eyes to the fact that its the enemy who sows these things, God uses them. I rather have bugs.

I read so many stories of people suffering, all who believe in God, testing their faith and sense of "life", and I don't want this! I keep saying that, i know! I'm sorry! Why is it that some people suffer so badly? Is God showing me off like Job? Surely not w all my sins! What are they/i doing wrong? Can I really be cured? How on earth am i going to STAY on this protocol?! I am trying to be strong it takes a lot of energy...thanks for listening or even just posting this.

Anyway, sorry this is sooooo super long, feels good to be able to talk/write to someone other than The Lord who might not think I'm crazy or keep asking me what my freaking diagnosis is? I dont know how to find a Dr to help me even treat this.

May God Bless you all w peace, wisdom, strength and much comfort.

Responses (Newest First)

7:34:45 PM

Hi Suzie

Looks like your detox has begun. Don't be alarmed. See this as what we call die off. It's the beginning of your body reducing infection and it is also how we get well.

Back in 04/22/2009, way down and back in this thread, Mae explains this for us. She writes how John B. actually first described "die off" for us in a post. She goes on to provide an article that teaches about herxing. I would read it.

So, no worries, no fear! Now you settle into slow and steady. Exercise to move lymph. Try to get 7 hours uninterrupted sleep daily. Follow the protocol for taking your supplements. Strive to manage the fear and the stress. D

Draw closer to God! It is by grace, through faith, that God delivers remission.

Strength and Love,

6:56:30 PM

Hello Shari

This is a great post! There are so many times when bringing a thread forward can remind us of the lasting truths that bear the test of time and thus become very useful.

Plus, you demonstrate for everyone the value of initiative in being positive and uplifting. That's focusing on the cure. And that will get you well.

You are a blessing and I appreciate you!


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