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Request to speak with or email questions with a women

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9:11:39 AM

Hi Darlene!

Welcome! I can try to be of help. Not sure if I'm qualified or know the answers to your questions. However, I'm willing too. If I don't know, I will try to point you in the direction with following first "do no harm"

You can ask Mel for my email or number.

Sister in Christ,

9:09:44 AM

Hello everyone and Welcome,

Darlene and Paula your requests have been forwarded to
A couple of real Warriors!

I am sure you will be contacted shortly.

We are all family here.

God bless, those who did not give up HOPE got well!


9:00:32 AM

Hello Mel,

This is newbie Darlene again.

Can you ask one of the ladies to contact me?
Or ask if I could have their information so I can contact them?

I think you mentioned a couple of different ladies.

Thank you so much!

You are a great group of people.

Full of hope,


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