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Severe lumps and sores

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1:41:03 PM


I am from Rhode island and I am new to the forum.

I was diagnosed by an integrative health practitioner about a year ago with state 2 Lyme and Morgellons. I was using the recommended protocol which is mostly holistic products to detox and get rid of parasites but I haven't seen any change.

My main concern now is the lumps of all sizes all over my chest, breasts, neck and face. Out of the lumps or cysts come the usual things most People with Morgellons describe and I have literally tried everything and they will not heal. They are so deeply embedded that even when the lesions begin to heal there will be more lumps/parasites or fibers inside and I have to dig them out which is excruciating. I will feel intense crawling and biting sensations so this is why I torture myself by digging it all out.

Just wondered if anyone has any suggestions. I don't know if I should cease to pick the stuff out and not touch them even though there are so many things inside when the wound is healing.

I have tried every kind of bath....Epson salt with peppermint or 5 thieves, alfalfa, mms, natures gift which is $120 a bottle and doesn't go far. I had flawless skin until this borrow show entered my life and I am scarred all over from head to toe. I will be starting Mel's protocol as soon as it arrives.

Would appreciate any suggestions. Ty and my prayers are with all of you!



6:56:14 AM

Ty so much Fiona, Chrissie and Lady T for the warm welcome and words of wisdom! I completely agree with you Lady T .....if MD never reared its ugly head I would still be living the toxic lifestyle I have lead for most of my life. I needed a wake up call for sure and most of all I needed to form a closer relationship with God bc even though I was raised in a family that went to church every Sunday, I never knew what it meant to truly have a relationship with Him. I love and need him so much and I believe this is one of the reasons He is allowing me to go through this. Chrissie, yes the protocol which I did not feel helped very much was the one the Integrative Health person prescribed and I do agree that I am sure even though I do not feel like it did much, it did help with my Ph bc I was very acidic and I changed my diet. The diet is free of sugar, bread, gluten and non GMO and no processed or fast food drive-through not that I did that often anyway. So yes, I feel better from giving up all of the junk food about 9 months ago and that alone started to kill the parasites and this is why it is all being forced out of my skin. They die- off herxing reactions were so severe for the first 5 months. I am hoping when I begin Mel's protocol today the herxing won't be as bad but at least I know what to expect now. I want you to know you are all in my prayers and I sincerely am grateful for each of you for taking the time to care enough to reach out to me. I will never forget! I can promise you I feel the kindness and empathy and love from each of you and my prayer is that Our Lord and Savior Jesus The Christ bless you and show you His Mercy, Healing, Peace and strength. Love you guys!


Lady T
9:25:24 AM

Hi Sheila - and welcome to a very supportive community.

I am getting ready pause from Posting (fasting for the month of May) and saw your post today (4/30) and wanted to share a few things that came to mind when I read it. I am sure others will chime in if they have things come to mind. ;)

For some reason, this guy named Mr. Common Sense came to my mind when I read about your sores and lumps! We all have a different way of releasing the MD gunk - and some of us have unique ways. I seem to recall that Mr CS had layers and movement all under his skin! He was so toxic that his skin would it even release it- right below the surface of the skin he could see layers and layers of stuff! Well he healed up - I believe it took him four years and his blog went inactive in 2014- but his story came to my mind when I read about your bumps/lumps - because his early symptoms were so unique.

The second thing that came to mind is welcome to Mel's protocol- I think you will be pleased with the outcomes - but remember it takes TIME!
It can be quicker healing for those who catch it early - and some heal in UNDER ten months (not sure of the current stats- but know early helps) and so if you have had this the full year - it has morphed and got into your system more, which Likley means it will take you longer to heal.
But defining "long" is relative because I have friends from the 90s who went on 3 year healing plans and thought nothing of it. We are conditioned in our culture to get fast quick! But we are seeing that the concentrated drugs (prescriptions) that make people appear well in ten days - do not really get to root causes - instead / they give a temp wellness and might mask or bury things. Further - many prescriptions are isolated properties of something - because drug companies cannot patent plants and certain things- but if they isolate part of it and make a proprietary formula - they patent and make big money - and sometimes it can be a very helpful drug - but we all know from lawsuits and from recalls that there are risks and numerous side effects! From what I am learning so far- one of the reason for so many side effects is because of this isolation and concentration patenting formulating process. By doing this - the boys gets a jolt - and maybe a short term fix or a remedy now and then - but because the other needed properties hVe been removed and from other factors - people have side effects galore and it is actually very lose-lose!
This leads me to the protocol here!
People get well from this protocol!

I know you said you were trying many things this past year and saw no change- but keep in mind that it probably helped you somewhat! Because even though what you did was not enough to eradicate MD and Lyme - I am sure it had some value! It is hard to see the small helps to immune function - and it is also hard to see demise - because many people have slowly had bad stuff going on, but never knew until it expressed itself in a major illness. So try not to look at all of what you have done this past year as "not" helpful - because chances are it did help in ways you cannot see! Maybe you stopped it from being way worse right now! Because MD and LYme is a very layered affliction - and you will read many repeat things here - like "read, read, and read some more" - and also for the need to "rid pathogens while rebuilding the terrain" -

you will also be reminded again and again that everyone's body is different and so you will need to be in tune with how foods and herbs mix with your body -
and try to notice when changes are needed - but that can/will unfold for you naturally.

The good news is that even with our unique customizing - as humans there is a universal approach to fixing and fortifying immune function! And so this is why Mel's protocol works - it is science - it helps repair metabolic syndrome, helps the pancreas and liver process fats- helps unclog gut passage ways - feeds glands - cleans the blood - feeds your cells and fortifies you!

You see - Mel's protocol is balanced and effective. The liver formula is a blend - the cal-mag is a blend - the omega oil is a blend - so is the enzyme and flora - and the coq10 adds another immune building and para-rid layer! The multi vitamin is a thymic formula that is actually an immune system complex. This means it is a multi vitamin "plus" and it was created to help a body heal! So it is not the same as any other multi!
All of the items have a balanced formula designed to work together - synergistically!
Further - the protocol is gentle as they err on the side of caution with all suggestions!
This is why it takes so long! Small things are happening at a pace your body can slowly heal with! And because this illness has certain critters that have hijacked our body - we have to "cycle" them out - and so in my experience and from reading many others - this means that each month or maybe every 5 weeks - we move through these phases of hatchings and release.
We manage symptoms while we take stuff to rid pathogens and rebuild the body terrain! Each cycle begins to get less and the sores heals - bumps dissipate - and our immune system kicks their butt!

Another universal thing we all share is that sugar is a minus food in general - like even people who are not sick still have to use nutrients to process sugar - but it becomes a fuel for pathogens if we are sick! And getting of sugar s a must!

The recipes here are only suggestions - but mos bread is another no-no because it can feed this. I stayed away from most fruits - ( they can be loaded with sugar and even if better than HFCS - it feeds gunk) but you will see there is a lot of room for customizing what you need. The protocol continues to be Improved as well - even though it seems to be at a pretty good place.

The time it takes to heal does vary!
I gave myself 36 months because I knew someone who did an RA healing life cleanse and she said 3 years - or one month for every year you have been alive. I healed in under 24 mos- but if this feels super long it is because the majority of our culture knows nothing about really getting well! In the 90s I knew folks who did healing cleanses without being diseased - they just did it for intestinal wellness and never minded the length of time!
So try to see the big picture and do not get discouraged when it feels like it takes a while. It does take a while.'

Peter recently shared some powerful things he said as he started his day! I guess some folks call some of these things cheesy affirmations or it sounds like a motivational guru tip!
But the truth is that they are life giving and powerful ways to start your day with strength!
Peter shared a powerful secret of success when he starts his day saying such positive Truths and by speaking good things into and about his life!
- because you see - feelings follow behavior! And we can dictate affect - we can choose to entertain certain thoughts! And when we verbalize positive statements and speak them on our day - it will have a good ripple!
When Peter starts his day with his power statements (I can and I will statements) something like that- Well he instantly changed the chemicals in his body and helped direct more holistic thoughts to begin his day with! Sounds so simple and is quite simple - but oh sooooooo helpful! Life giving!

The thought/mind/body connect is very powerful and it helped me to know I would one day have a testimony to share once I moved through this illness!
It helped me to know I needed a deep gut cleanse anyway - and sadly this MD was the only way I would be serious enough to do it!

It helped me to know God would never give me more than I could handle - and that his strength was in me!
It helped me to realize that I am not alone and that thousands more will get this illness this month!
It helped me to know that if I had cancer I would have been worse off because nobody would have helped me repair my immune system - Instead - they would do chemo and never help me see my immune system had a breakdown which allowed cancer! They would never point out the fungal and sugar connection to cancer (thank you Ty Bollinger for his cancer research)

It helped me to see that MD was kind of a gift!
MD is a nightmare, scary, gross, frustrating, painful, baffling, uncomfortable, miserable, taxing, costly, exhausting, debilitating, and skanky illness -
never ending at times - but it was a gift because it was helping me restore my body Terrain! And without getting MD- I never would have known about how immune function is mostly in the mucosa lining of the gut and would not have known about the hundreds of other things we are not taught about our body!
We are almost kept dumb with the notion that elite doctors have only the answers!!! Wtf!
Instead - the reality is that doctors in our society treat symptoms (most do) and our society wants to make us dependent on overly busy physicians - who cHarge a lot of $ - and so do the drugs!! when we know our body best! Yes - we need counsel and want expert advice - but sadly - when it comes to conditions like MD and Lyme - you will not necessarily get wisdom and effective help from doctors who manage symptoms!

In closing, welcome again and we look forward to sharing your journey! You are not alone and people get well on Mel's protocol so be encouraged as you move forward.

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