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Original 12/16/2014 Post

4:11:28 PM

Howdy everyone!

Hope this finds everyone in good spirits. We've had a gloomy week in Kentucky and I honestly can't wait to get out of here! I'm almost through my third week on the protocol and again wanted to thank everyone for their encouraging words, kind thoughts and loving support on behalf of anyone who chooses to make this their home for healing and support. I heard from Mel last weekend and I have to say that instead of utilizing his precious time to ask all of my questions, all I could do is cry...he was very patient and understanding, thanks a bunch Mel! AND again, in speaking with John B. yesterday...the tears wouldn't stop! I often feel like a big sap! With that said, I want everyone to know how grateful I am to have this site, the support of Mel, John B. and each one of you! I'm in the process of relocating and that scares the Bjesus out of me! Everything is scary at this point, but it is what it is and all we can do is focus on healing. At any rate, I wanted to share with everyone that I'll soon be moving closer to my daughter who will be living just outside of Sacramento, CA by January. In speaking to Mel, his advise was move to a drier climate if I'm planning on relocating, SO, I've decided that Reno, NV is the place for me...what I've seen, it's simply breathtaking beautiful! Watch out Mel, here comes Mel #2 haha! I was originally going to relocate back home to South Florida as I miss the ocean dearly. Mel says that humidity is no good for us...SO, Reno it is! I'm hoping that I find a nice little place to move asap, as soon as just after Christmas. My head is spinning but I can't wait! Please keep me in your prayers as I know relocating can be a setback. Watch out Reno!! :) Best wishes and God bless to all!!
