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Skype and Friendship

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3:33:25 PM

Hello Everyone and Welcome,

Four months ago when we started the Coffee, Tea with Me morning conference calls we also offered another venue of communication using Skype. Recently, not only am I Skyping with more people but others are Skyping with each other, which leads to more communication, companionship, less fear and most of all friendship. Those who are Skyping with one another all tell me me they no longer feel alone.

As I had mentioned in an earlier post those who wish to Skype with me, send me your Skype address and I will contact you on a Wednesday or Thursday morning. Those who wish to Skype with one another, join us at Coffee, Tea with Me every Friday or Saturday morning to meet new people, make new friends and share your Skype address.

Hope to speak with most of you soon.

God Bless, those who did not give up HOPE got WELL
