Peter 9/9/2015 1:38:23 AM
| Hello Folks
I just learned that Sleep Apnea is something everyone should investigate. I read the Super Natural Health blog “Is Your Health Being Undermined by This Common but Deadly Sleep Disorder?” posted August 28, 2015 by John Burgstiner. It renewed an interest to better understand sleep. Care to guess where it lead me? It lead me to understand the value of a nap and took me right to Mel. Here’s how.
Recent research from Saarland University in Germany showed that napping is good for your memory. “Even a short sleep lasting 45 to 60 minutes produces a five-fold improvement in information retrieval from memory.” A full cycle of sleep lasts about 90 minutes. During this time you will go through four to five stages of sleep. So, if possible, a nap should last about 90 minutes. This way you’ll have completed a full sleep cycle and should waken feeling refreshed. Sound familiar, Mel?
Side sleeping position..
Another study suggests that sleeping on one’s side, as opposed to one’s back or stomach, may be better for removal of waste from the brain. Any coincidence that I sleep on my side and I wake refreshed?
I hope this short post represents another example of “why read here.” You always end up in “the right place.” Thanks for this important blog, John….. For those who are interested, here is the link.
Is Your Health Being Undermined by This Common but Deadly Sleep Disorder?
Strength and love, Peter