Amber 8/1/2014 1:12:58 PM
| Hello all! I wanted to stop by and offer a little encouragement to my fellow warriors! I haven't talked about my Mom much, but she has morgellons as well and will be 61 in September. She also had a myriad of other issues. Once I got her started, her health really took off. She has dropped nearly 60lbs and is off of 2 medications!! She is able to participate in more activities with the family, like long walks. She never let it shake her up and told me from the beginning that she knew the lord would heal all of us. She is the most amazing mother that anyone could ask for! I lost my Dad very suddenly a few years ago from a massive heart attack and feared I would lose her too. I no longer worry about that because she is doing so good!! Stay hopeful and focus on the the blessings. I found that keeping a journal and writing down even the smallest of blessing each day can be really helpful. Love to each and every one of you!
Amber & family