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Some Thing We Don't Often Do

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Original 8/5/2014 Post

1:14:04 PM

Welcome Everyone,

How often we forget the beginning. Today I have published three threads not normally shown here.
I receive about three of these type posts every other day now, but choose not to publish them all because it's too depressing.

Rather, I establish phone communication and try and calm the new people down. I attempt to make it clear that those like myself who are willing to make all the changes that are necessary are in the highest percentage of those who get well.

I make it clear it is all up to them. We all must take responsibility for own own health.

I remind everyone that also in the highest percentage of those who get well are those who choose to read the entire forum history - 25 pages full of so many who have stabilized and restored their health here!!

I tell the parents of children that it will be easier to help the children. It's true and has a calming affect.

I ask them to read the FAQ'S four to five times to truly comprehend the way the protocol is designed to work and remember the reasons given for not achieving results, and avoid them at all costs.

Last but not least is to listen to the conference calls, from our last back to our first. They contain a wealth of information and are also good break from reading.

You must be strong, you must be brave, you must be willing to make change. That's the stuff warriors are made from.

Always remember, Hope is only the Beginning,

Never ever give up Hope!

God bless you all,


Responses (Newest First)

9:54:53 AM

Wow! Well said Pete!

7:25:30 PM

Hello Folks

Dear Mel.

I want to write a meaningful response for everyone about your post. I have always guided people away from writing about symptoms that are odd, scary, and very hard to understand. There is a good reason why. It is because, in a very profound way, we become what we are thinking. What we think about directly affects what is happening in our experiences. Let me explain.

Close your eyes and try to remember the first time you held an infant child. Whether a son, daughter, niece, or doesn't matter. If you hold that thought for a few moments, you cannot help but feel a sense of calm and peace flow through you.

Close your eyes again and try to be angry and happy about something at the same time. You can't do it. That is because we can only hold one thought in our mind at a time. So, choose to hold uplifting ones instead of dark ones.

What we think, read, write about, and explore does decide how we will feel. And in my opinion, this is a powerful part of healing both “in the body” and “in the spirit.” At least I know it has been for me.

"Focus on the cure." What does Mel mean when he asks us to make this our presiding thought? He means that this provides the fullest opportunity to allow our belief system to heal us. This is also the basis for his faith and why his signature is "never give up hope.

So, with respect to what Mel publishes here, to decide what is fair and balanced in fulfilling his responsibility regarding what is appropriate and what is not becomes a difficult endeavor. Myself, I think he does a superb job. Why? Because this web site will leave you feeling hopeful. It will give you useful tools. It will focus on the cure. It establishes community and connects us with others to share in the difficult course back to health. And it does not include horror and dark discourse. As well it should not!

In my opinion, it should remain a wonderful forum where everyone is welcome, everyone is valued, and everyone has a voice! God Bless you Brother!
