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Starting Procotol Advice Needed

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Original 8/10/2014 Post

5:58:21 PM

I recently discovered I have Morgellons within the past 2-3 months. I also recently discovered this website and the Burgstiner Wellness Protocol. I ordered the products that is listed under Mel's Protocol and expect to receive them within the next few days. Also I listened to the May Conference Call - Ask the Coaches last night. At one point during the call Mel mentioned that the Olive Leaf Extract and MMS knocks a person out which I took to mean that a person will not be able to go about there normal routine for awhile. I work full time and I'm wondering if I will be able to continue working while taking the protocol at least initially. So I'm writing to ask for more clarification on this topic. Is it a good idea to take a leave of absence for 2-3 weeks of the protocol? Thank you for offering a website with information, practical solutions, and a community forum for sharing.
Responses (Newest First)

12:06:12 AM

Hello everyone! I am starting week 3 on the protocol and feel a little bit better every day. I find solace in listening to the conference calls. It gives me comfort to hear others talk about solutions and progress.

Thought I would share some of my journey with you. Now that I know I have Morgellons it helps explain some of the other health issues I've experienced over the years. I'm not sure when the Morgellons started but I can say that the first time I noticed a skin problem was in 2011. A 2-3 inch tubular white patch on my forearm. At the time I did not have a clue what it could be and regretfully I did not pursue it with a doctor.

As time passed and I noticed small white circles of skin on my arms. Could not imagine what it could be - signs of age (I'm 53), too much or too little sun? Did not have a clue and since it did not cause any pain I let it go. Other peculiarities included a split fingernail on my left ring finger that never went away, and broken skin around my fingernails (thought it was dues to dehydration).

Symptoms not involving the skin included some hearing loss in my left ear, periodic ringing in my ears (tinnitus), and numbness in my arms and hands when I slept. The hearing loss goes back quite a few years maybe 10 or more. The neuropathy within the past 5 years. I had an MRI done for both conditions when they occurred. Both times the doctor could find no cause.

I experienced fatigue and depression for many years. Seen therapists, taken medications. There is a history of mental illness in my family and alcoholism.
I have experienced "difficult periods" in my life when I self medicated with alcohol.

More recently I noticed difficulty spelling words, remembering words, and even pronouncing words. My father has advanced Alzheimers as did his brother and sister so I thought I was experiencing early signs of dementia.

In my 40's I started to gain weight - up to 50 pounds. Blood tests started to show prediabetes and I knew I had to do something.

There are many people who are breaking away from the mainstream and sharing new approaches to health. It is really "old" approaches that we have forgotten or chosen to move away from as a result of our "progress" since the industrial revolution. (Can you tell I'm an educator?)

WETA is my favorite television station and watch health shows with doctors like Dr. Andrew Weil (8 weeks to optimum health) Dr. Daniel Amen (Change your brain, change your life) and Dr. Joel Fuhrman (Eat to Live).

People like Michael Pollan published books and produced movies that helped us understand how we are hurting ourselves by tampering with mother nature.

I decided to become a vegetarian 3 years ago because of all the horror stories in the news about meat, for ethical reasons, and to at least put a stop to my contribution to the the environmental damage meat production causes.

Some of you may remember the book Diet for a Small Planet that was first published in 1971. All of our effort goes into growing corn to fed cows so we can eat the cows. We exhaust the soil, etc, etc. I actually read that book when I was a teenager and thought about becoming a vegetarian.

Anyway back to the present - the next healthy step I took was to join a meditation group. I believe spirit performed an intervention and brought me to the group to help me get on the right track.

Meditation helped raise my self awareness so I could take the next step which was to give up dairy after viewing a movie called VeganGal. When I gave up dairy this past March the flood gates opened - I lost 50 pounds within 4 months - the Morgellons situation reared its ugly head in full force and I after many hours of research I found this website and all of the helpful information it contains about restoring one's bio-terrain.

I am listening to Dr. Daniel Amen's audio book - The Power of the Female Brain - and in one chapter there is quite a bit of information about the digestive system and how it can cause many health problems when it doesn't work right. Dr. Amen states that traumatic events in childhood have been known to cause digestive malfunction. Short and brief - my childhood was traumatic - won't bore you with the details.

It is terrifying when you first realize what is happening. And it gets worse when doctors won't help you. But there is a rainbow and a blue bird of happiness when you find this website.

Thank you Mel. Thank you John. When saw how your website was organized with a forum for people to share and ask questions, conference calls for people to hear human voices with hope, a foundation to raise money for those who cannot afford the protocol, and your compassion that goes so far as personal phone calls to complete strangers long distance on your own dime. Words cannot express my gratitude. God Bless you and everyone else as we take this journey to better health together.


9:47:02 PM

I typed MSN into the search engine and found the answer to my previous question. MSN is organic form of sulphur and I need to go to health food store to find it.

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