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starting the protocol but would love some help sorting through my stuff

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9:59:49 PM

Hello everyone,

I just spoke with Mel today and he strongly encouraged me to introduce myself on the forum. I have been reading here for a week and I have decided to start the protocol. What a wonderful, supportive place, made me teary
that Mel would speak to me by phone just because I e-mailed.

I am very early into this feeling of a crawling sensation/rash--started Sept. 7-- and I am still uncertain if this is MD or if I am dealing with a mite/yeast infestation. I think either means a compromised immune system and an issue with fungal/viral etc. overload so the protocol makes sense regardless.

I have been an avid reader of health information and had no idea any of these things were happening! I am hoping that someone might contact me by e-mail to hear my symptoms as I don't feel clear about WHAT is exactly is going on and like everyone I am really concerned for my family.

Thank you so much for all the wonderful support and information here.


3:15:18 AM

Hi Tracie,

Hope all is steadily improving with you! I am in the midst of being evicted moving from the state having money problems not on protocol for almost a month and a half now.. etc but happy to say I have many good symptom free days thanks to remaining on diet and work put in while on the protocol the last year and 3 months! !

Nights, not so much, yet lol! Still have some itchies and crawlies intermittently, but other symptoms have lessened. Thinking of you and doggies & praying tonight for healing!


6:55:57 PM

Hi Shari,

Thank you so much for the warm welcome. I have read many of your posts:)

It is exactly as you said--the information here is just incredibly helpful. I am even discovering how to help my wonderful dogs.


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