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State of Hope Address

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Original 1/23/2014 Post

2:34:11 PM

Welcome everyone. Greetings and well wishes to all for a new year of Hope and Health Restoration!

First let me thank all of you for your prayers, your kind thoughts and your messages of concern about my personal health. I now approach the final steps in my recovery from last summer’s car accident as my shoulder surgery should be performed in the next three weeks.

I remain positive and look forward to a total recovery so that I will be able to resume serving you better as we continue to grow. Although I would have certainly preferred to avoid going into surgery again, I know that the surgery and rehab are necessary to free me from my current pain and limitations, and to prepare me for the new challenges ahead.

I would also like to thank our coaches, without whom I would most certainly lose my mind! Your loving service, patience and dedication are inspirational to us all. Recently we have begun a regular series of coaches only conference calls. The first one was a huge success in that the coaches got a chance to exchange encouragement and vital information that will help them better serve you. It is awesome to see how God has brought together the various gifts and talents of these wonderful individuals, all for your benefit and His glory!

I never cease to be astounded by what He has done and is doing here. I often receive letters or emails from those we have served expressing their heartfelt thanks. They fill my heart with joy and immense gratitude for the opportunity to make a difference. Then there are the messages from those who recognize His unmistakable fingerprints on this whole endeavor, such as the one I received just this morning: “Thank you in advance for all that you are doing by God's grace, for listening, caring and taking the time. This site you have done is very encouraging, probably the most positive & informative, respectful, sane one I have seen so far! I will be praying for you all.

Now to address some of the issues, questions and concerns you have shared with me via email or on the website that may have not yet been answered. First, if you have tried to contact me at any time since my accident and have not received a response, I ask that you reach out to me again now before I go into the surgery and rehab. If you do not have an answering machine set up, please specify in your email the day and time (including your time zone)that is best for me to contact you.

Next, allow me to bring your attention to the Forum welcome letter which is a road map on how to utilize our website. Notice the live links in the body of the letter as areas that best answer most questions quickly. My P.S. sends you to the FAQ page, which is the next thing you should read. For those who have brain fog at this stage, I suggest you read them multiple times. The FAQ’s are a simple summary of what to expect and the correct way to approach recovery in various stages. Prior to leaving the welcome letter please check the rules, which are provided for your protection and the good of all who come here.

It appears that the most asked question lately is ‘How do I get assistance from the He Cures All Foundation?” This is an important question that will henceforth be added to the FAQ’s on this site. The foundation exists to help those who lack the financial resources to help themselves. We have recently activated (although we have not yet launched the Press Release campaign for it) a new website for the foundation in order to facilitate the fundraising process and also to administer support with the limited resources available. There (under the Get Help tab) you will find the HCA Application for Assistance and HCA Sponsorship Agreement forms necessary to request support from the foundation. These forms do require a certain level of honest transparency about your finances, etc., but we have a fiduciary responsibility to our donors and a moral responsibility to those we serve to be good stewards of the resources made available to the foundation.

Two things I need to say here:
1. In consideration of those who may be less fortunate, please refrain from requesting assistance from the foundation if you have other options available to you (savings, friends and family, your church, etc.).
2. If you have contacts through social media, your church or otherwise, please help us get the word out about the He Cures All Foundation and the urgent need it is faithfully serving.

In case you haven’t noticed, the new HCA site has a Prayer Request page (also under the Get Help tab) where you can submit prayer requests that will be lifted up by our Intercessory Prayer Team. There is a link to this site and other resources, and a Hope & Inspiration section that includes a blog from a gifted Christian author who is aware of the plight of Morgellons sufferers and is already praying for you.

Charlotte’s blog post this morning about navy seals was particularly appropriate for our community, and so I thought it appropriate to share it Here. For in my experience, those most willing to take responsibility for their own health are the ones who get well quickest. Stay in the fight folks and you will eventually come out on top!

God Bless; Never give up Hope!


Responses (Newest First)

Nancy G
4:10:01 PM

Mel, you are in my prayers.

2:47:55 PM

Mel, we are praying for you! Seems like the enemy keeps trying to attack and the lord continues to lift you up! Sending you love from all of us <3

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