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Strange Test Results and this Amazing Protocol!

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Original 5/9/2013 Post

11:21:28 AM

I want to start this by saying thank you Mel for everything you have given so freely! Knowledge is power and so many people withhold knowledge from others if they feel they will not benefit from sharing what they know. I would never have known where to start if it wasn't for your humanitarian efforts. You are truly an angel.
1 month prior to starting this protocol, I went to see my Rheumatologist for my Fibromyalgia. I knew I had Morgellons, however I didn't say anything to him for fear of being disregarded completely. I asked him if he would test me for Lymes because I had never been tested. I had a blood panel done. I was negative for Lymes, however I was showing extremely high anti-bodies on two separate test for Scleroderma. Scleroderma is a serious, degenerative, often fatal disease that affects the skin, collagen and organs like lung, heart and kidneys.I had my primary doctor do the same test to make sure it wasn't a fluke. Again I tested high in both tests exclusive to Scleroderma.
I started the protocol shortly after that. I also switched to a different rheumatologist closer to where I live. After my first visit with her she decided to run the test again because I lack the outward physical skin appearance of someone with Scleroderma. Two weeks ago I had my blood panel done again and IT'S NEGATIVE! All anti-bodies to Scleroderma are gone!
Personally I don't think I ever had Scleroderma. I believe it's something to do with Morgelllons. But what I'm hear to say realy is this protocol does work and is working! I praise God for this and thank evryone here that is in this fight with me. God bless and stay strong!

Responses (Newest First)

John Burgstiner
10:13:53 AM

Hi Leah,

Congratulations on your wonderful news!

As usual, Mel is correct.

We hear a lot of this type of feedback at Logos with our protocol because it is designed to restore integrity to the immune system and eliminate inappropriate immune responses.

Thymic hormones (in the Complete Thymic Formula) are known to be immune modulators - they help calm down an overactive immune system and rev up an under active one. They also help the specialized cells of the body's immune army to recognize the difference between foreign invaders and normal cells.

The protocol is also designed to significantly reduce inflammatory responses, especially unnecessary ones.

Unfortunately, the response of most doctors to incredible reversals like yours is 'whatever you are doing, keep doing it'. If its not a drug, they don't want to know about it.

However, more and more of them are waking up to the truth that disease cannot exist in a healthy bioterrain.

Sorry I did not get to post this yesterday as we were out of town, but I do want to wish a belated Happy Mother's Day to all Moms out there... hope your day was special!

Thanks again Leah for sharing your awesome news. Mel tells me your children are doing great too. I look forward to meeting you on Sunday should you be able to attend the teleconference. Stay on track and please keep us all posted on your progress.



12:44:03 PM

Hi Leah,

Congratulations on your wonderful news!

I am not a doctor, but I do know that Scleroderma is an auto-immune disease. I am sure that John Burgstiner can address this more adequately, but it is my understanding that Logos Nutritionals has a huge following of customers who have overcome auto-immune diseases like Scleroderma, Lupus, MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Hepatitis C.

I have often said that if the Burgstiner Wellness Protocol will help resolve Morgellons, it will help resolve anything because it is all about restoring the bioterrain.

You said it best Leah - this protocol does work and is working!

Thanks again for sharing your great news. We are all rejoicing with you.

God Bless; Never give up Hope!
