DEREK 10/21/2015 6:31:04 PM | Maybe this was already discussed before, but I couldn't find any thread in the search engine. Hence, I'm starting this one. Since many report that Kleen Green used topically has been a benefit to them (does it really dissolve the fibers?), I have become curious to whether systemic enzymes would also have a similar effect, especially for widespread systemic infections. I have been using Magnifizyme like everyone else for 2 years now, which is a systemic protease (serrapeptase). I'm hoping John could further explain how systemic enzyme products work in the body. For example, how do they not get digested in the stomach and get absorbed? What happens to them once in the body? Do they accumulate over time? How far do they do into the tissues? What is the best way to take them? I know, a lot of questions, lol. Like with tinctures and other things that many of us try just to see if there is any benefit, I have started to experiment with additional enzymes marketed as systemic enzyme products which target candida to take along with Magnifizyme. The one I started a couple weeks ago contains cellulase (which breaks down cellulose in plant and fungal cell walls, hemicellulase (not sure what this does differently), amylase (breaks down starches and biofilms?), invertase (?) and glucoamylase. It does not contain a lipase though which Kleen Green contains. So I have my own "systemic Kleen Green" minus lipase cocktail that I take in the morning and night when we normally take Magnifizyme. Have I noticed anything yet? Well, I did notice that once I began taking all of the enzymes, I became much more reactive to MMS again. I had my first big herx in over 2 years with 2 days of severe nausea and diarrhea at my normal 20 drop dose. So maybe I broke through some biofilm or something. I don't really know, but it was odd that I could go for years at 20 drops of MMS daily with minimal stomach distress and then suddenly I react so violently to it like someone who has taken it for the first time. I did take a couple weeks break though beforehand (trying pulse method) so maybe that was part of the reason. Has anyone else tried using systemic enzymes besides the Magnifizyme? Anyone have any Kleen Green testimonials? I haven't used much Kleen Green topically to keep the costs down, but I'm considering re-ordering more and making the topical spray part of my daily routine. When I have used it, my skin felt better for at least a short while. However, because of the widespread infection in my body (muscles, eyes, etc.) I feel that enzymes that go deep into the body may be more effective. Besides enzymes, there are probably other biofilm/cell wall breakers such as those in the Immune Pulse but that could be another topic on its own. Since I haven't posted in my own thread in about a year, I'll take an aside from this topic here and say, Keep in the fight everyone! THIS DISEASE CAN BE BEATEN! I SWEAR ON THE BIBLE! I've experienced total remission once, and that's what keeps me going in spite of this much larger challenge this disease has posed for me this time. Mel, I got to send you my new phone number. We haven't talked in a while. Now that I am in Vegas (nobody will hire me anymore as an engineer or anything else) we can talk about sports since handicapping has been a passion of mine for 12 years now. I'm having a really good football season...so far, lol. Peter tells me you really know your hockey! Much love to every single soul out there who is fighting this disease. You are definitely not alone. As Mel says, Never Give Up Hope! DEREK |
John B 10/21/2015 11:11:39 PM | Hi Derek, Thanks for the update and for sharing your questions. I'm not sure if you are aware of my article on systemic enzymes but Mel also published it in the articles section of this site: < a href=":https://howicuredmorgellons.com/ArticlesandDiet/restoringyourbiote/systemicenzymesthe/">Systemic Enzymes - Missing Link to Chronic Illness?< /a> Basically, systemic enzymes are "house cleaners" that reduce inflammation and clear waste products and unwanted debris from body tissues. They do not survive well in the acidic environment of the stomach, which is why we enteric coat the MagnifiZyme. Once it reaches the blood stream it easily disseminates throughout the body. It does not accumulate and is best taken on an empty stomach. In case you are not aware, all of the enzymes you mentioned (as well as lipase) are part of the daily regimen offered through the Essential Digestion in Mel's protocol. The protocol is designed to provide comprehensive support nutritionally in conjunction with a healthy diet, but it is much more than that. Over time, the many enzymes and botanicals present in the protocol and extension products work together to break down biofilm and expose pathogens to immune forces and the various antimicrobials that are employed. If you do decide to use the Kleen Green topically be sure to dilute it first as it can burn the skin at full strength. I do agree with you that the challenge is first and foremost an internal one of repairing and restoring the bioterrain. Thanks again Derek for sharing your progress and encouragement. Best of luck to you as you continue to thrive! John |
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