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Teenagers and diet

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Original 12/17/2013 Post

8:30:20 PM

Hi, everyone.. I would really like some advice with what I should do with my 14 year old daughter. My sister Dawn and I have been on this protocol since May...doing fairly good. The problem is my daughter did the protocol for two months this summer, and her skin looked so good. Then her sister got married and the protocol went by the way since Thanksgiving I've convinced her that she really does have M. She has really started to purge dark fibers , much more than me... I bought Granny Smith apples, kind bars and yogurt earlier this fall... Now I'm afraid if I take these away she will eat worse things. She does eat oatmeal and meats, but I really struggle with her eating veggies...anyone have any suggestions? She is really rebelling with anything I say, so I could use your prayers and advice greatly.

Job 14.7
There is hope for a tree that has been cut down; it can come back to life and sprout.
Thank you, Micky