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Original 5/10/2013 Post

1:00:08 PM

Hello everyone.

Welcome as always.

We are happy to announce our first teleconference call on the subject of Children and Morgellons. We will be holding an open forum discussion offering you the opportunity to ask questions of two or three sets of parents and their children from different parts of the world who are winning the battle against Morgellons.

I hope you will all be able to attend. Once again, the call is Sunday, May 19th at 8:30 PM EST (7:30 PM CST, 6:30 PM MST and 5:30 PM PST). Dial 1-218-862-1300 and input the conference code 664059.

We believe that these conference calls are extremely important as they provide an enormous amount of information in a short period of time. If for some reason you are not able to attend, no worries - as always, it will appear in the Conference Call Archives.

I look forward to seeing you there!

God Bless; Never, Never give up Hope!

Responses (Newest First)

1:42:32 PM

Just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone for sharing their story. Especially those mother who are suffering and have children who are suffering from morgellons. Each story was very inspiring and uplifting and quite often had me in tears. I was regretful that I could not be there at the time but I am very grateful to Mel for having the teleconferences recorded and accessible to all of us. I had many fears about giving my little one the protocol basically in assuming she at 2.5 would be completely unable to successfully swallow any pill at all let alone the large pills that come in the protocol. I always fear she would choke on them immediately but I never considered using the tactics such as adding them to dissolve in her water and or not that she is 3 and more better with digestion trying to coax her with little words and catch phrases. I really love the 'Dont think just drink' one. Thats definitely a keeper. Anywho i am filled with a great deal of hope of healing and thats all that matters. Blessing and healing to all of you brave strong unshaken souls


Deborah B
3:53:28 AM


Thank you for your kindness and encouragement to our family. You have such a ministry here!

Yes, Carrie is very great blessing to me and to her Dad. A blessing that God brought to us late in life and through a battle of a different kind. Now we are learning as a family to be warriors in the battle against Morgellons.

It's been amazing watching Carrie grow and mature through this process this past year. We've grown closer as a family and we've learned to focus on the truly important and eternal things in life. So much good has come out of this for us even though it has been so very hard. I've made many mistakes along the way but God has a way of turning our failures into successes and our weakness into strength, if we let Him.

I give God all the glory for sustaining us through such dark days and bringing us safe thus far. But along with Carrie, I give credit to Mel and John and to you Peter, for allowing God to use you and for all that each of you do to promote healing and sustain those of us in the trenches.

Thank you,

Deborah B.

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