Original 5/21/2013 Post | |
Monique 5/21/2013 9:42:26 PM | Hi. I'm Monique and I'm the girl next door. You see me out rollerblading, running, riding my bike, sitting in the sun and playing with the kids, sometimes even having a footrace with my teenager cuz she says I'm slow now that I'm 'old.' Yah right! Beat you kiddo! I'm the mom the neighborhood girls come and talk to when they can't talk to their parents. Guess I'm the fun cool mom to everyone but my own teen. A few short months ago, I was on top of the world: healthy, happy and falling in love. I had just recovered from a broken arm (rollerskating mishap) and had been telling people not to take things for granted cuz life as you know it can change in an instant. It was rough doing everything one handed. I appreciated so much tho that it wasn't my leg and was thankful I was healthy and alive. Little did I know, I wasn't as healthy as I thought and my life was about to change forever. I started having symptoms the first week of February. Went online and searched for a match. Lots of possibilities but had a strange symptom for which I found only one match. No treatment or cure? I was scared, didn't know how I'd live with this forever. Digging deeper lead me to this site. I liked the feel of the website, the interactions, the support. I had none at home. People called each other? Wow! That is great! I went out looking for a quick fix but found none so came back here and wrote Mel. Continued on with my life, fast losing control and sinking into despair and hopelessness. I was crying all the time and so so scared. My fear was a living breathing thing. It took over my life and I could barely function. Weird stuff started happening that scared me even more. What is this capable of, I thought. One night during my first panic attack, I needed to talk to someone so bad. I was so lost and alone and scared. I sent Mel a desperate email with a mental push for him to call me back. He had called the weekend before but I didn't know it. Of course being late at night, he was sleeping. So I prayed, 'God, please send someone to help me in my time of deepest despair and fear for I cannot do this alone. Have someone reach out to me. Please....' This was in early April. My phone rang at 10:00 the next morning. It was Peter. He said 'I am here to help you. I will guide you back to health. I will be there for you day and night. You are not alone.' My guardian angel. My help had arrived and I have never been so happy in my life. 'Look over your shoulder, I'm right there. You are not alone...' Thank you God. Thank you Mel. And thank you Peter. What a blessing! Today marks my 6th week on the raw veggie diet (day 40) and I start my 5th week on the protocol tomorrow (day 28 today) with the addition of the extension kit last week. I am doing much better. Have let go of the obsessions and panic for the most part. I look forward to my interactions with all of you out here. What a wonderful supportive dedicated group of people! I will fight the good fight and I will win. I know there will be good days and bad but I have a lot of inner strength and willpower and I am determined to regain my health. Thought that sees me thru is that it can't rain all the time. Oh no it can't! Life is looking up and there's nowhere but up from here. Monique |
Responses (Newest First) | |
Monique 9/12/2013 4:05:08 PM | Hello Warrior Friends! Like others, I have experienced problems the last few weeks when trying to post. I've typed up a reply or update only for the screen to refresh on its own and give me a blank page. Everything I typed is gone. Mel, any ideas why this is happening? To get around this, I now type up my post in a draft email in yahoo, then copy and paste into the text box on the forum. So I am happy and totally calm today for the first time in 2 months, which is when herx symptoms started building. I wasn't sure whether to post this but I think it is important for others to know. Herx has been over for a month but I was still experiencing heightened emotions and barely controllable food cravings. REALLY bad cravings, as well as a fear of MMS I never had before. I didn't want to take it, hated it, was scared of it. However, I plugged along each week and went up my one drop, from 10 during herx to 14 now. Go up to 15 tomorrow. I believe I am nearing my max as I experience a little lightheadedness or fuzzy brain feeling right after drinking. Or is this normal.....? Anyone know? I have grown to love my curry stir fry over the past 5 months. Love love love it! BUT... for some reason in the past few weeks, I have developed a distaste for it, similar to the MMS. I keep eating it but start to think of how to change my diet. Yesterday, a calmness descended upon me. I now cheerfully take my MMS. I realize now that it was the beast trying to reassert control over me during my vulnerable time because it wants to be fed. It is dying and is pulling out all stops to try to trick me into doing bad things. We'll see how the food issues go. I have a feeling they will just disappear. I firmly believe it is not my body itself that doesn't want the curry dish. Yah, you guessed it. With the calmness and peace came a 100% drop in banned food cravings. It's just gone. I won this round baby and I am smiling from ear to ear! The emotional issue I'll just have to deal with. That is actually separate from this as I am dealing with a lot right now, from being so broke cuz I can't work that I can't pay utilities or mortgage, put gas in my car or buy my daughter a snowsuit and snowboots to siblings' fighting over my mom's estate, pilfering right and left. No quick fixes. Just deal, breathe and let go. All I can do for now. :-D I share this with everyone because we all go thru it at some time or another. It is how we fall off the wagon and have setbacks. We are doing so well, feel kinda normal then {boom} doubts creep in. 'Eat this. Eat that. Don't take protocol or MMS.' Try to shove those thoughts away. They are not yours. We ARE on the right track. We ARE winning this battle. I was wondering when the self-doubt would ease and it now has. Everything takes time. I am happy to have made it over this bump in the road. Perseverence everyone!! I thank God every day for Mel, this website and the foundation. Words can never express how grateful I am that Mel is paying it forward. I am crying tears of joy for having found you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Mel. I pray for your recovery so you can continue to do God's work. What a blessing! Much love to all -- Monique |
Deborah B 9/10/2013 12:02:12 AM | Hi Monique, Wow. . . what great and inspiring post! You always amaze me! I find myself looking forward to calling you because I come away with brightened outlook, renewed hope and awesome respect for your positive attitude and can-do spirit. In your original post and then again later you ended by saying that there was 'nowhere to go but up' . . . well you certainly have proven that to be true and I have no doubt will continue to. Keep doing the absolutely amazing job that you are of following this protocol with faith, determination and a will to win the prize. You are encouraging the rest of us warriors as you push on toward complete healing. Thanks, Deborah B. PS. Looking forward to that bread recipe! ;-) |
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