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Original 2/16/2014 Post

10:31:10 AM

Hello Everyone,

Welcome as always.

This fine Sunday finds me suffering a little from lack of sleep, which is not really good, because then, you can't really think. The good news is the long is short and the short is even shorter!

Feel OK - lots of pain, but I am used to that. Hope you are all well.
Please throw away any left over candy from Valentines day, take an extra Candida Rid and pray!

Everybody please READ; My Dear Coaches please respond in my absence.

May god bless each and everyone of you as he has blessed me!!

Don't you ever ever give up hope!!!


Responses (Newest First)

Jane L.
4:56:40 AM

Looking good Mel. You helped me when no one else would. I'm feeling better everyday thanks to you and your protocal. Thank you for reaching out to me with your web site and your phone calls when I was in a panic feeling like I would die soon from Morgellons. I don't feel like that anymore. I am getting healthier every day thanks to your good advice and your protocal. God Bless you Mel - with good health - good friends - and love. - Jane

10:03:05 AM

Hello All Fellow Sufferers..

I am new here although I've had this end time Revelation plague for 5-6 yrs.
I Went to church food bank today and received some vitamins to add to protocol cleansing.
Mel nice to see a face behind all the wisdom.

Many Blessings To All

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