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To Lady Truth

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12:15:05 AM

Dear Lady T

I have seen the unfolding of a remarkable gift given by you this last three months. This humbles me deeply as I feel the familiar joy that, through victory, now sustains you. Be assured, it also now sustains others.

By pouring out grace, you're fulfilling your commission to serve and to shepherd. The "faith with works" which resonates in your message is necessary. Fully written, eternal and priceless! A healing anointing that will nourish so many.

You simply deliver!

On behalf of everyone, a very special "thank you!"


2:33:07 PM

I feel like i have found my soul family; so much here brings me to tears with the love and sincere support Ive witnessed. I will be ordering the protocol soon, but my heart has already felt the healing within these posts and conference calls.

Lady T
6:12:45 AM

Hi Mel - thanks so much for your reply - and I hope what I wrote did not imply I was "put off" - because I am NOT as I know social situations are just "humanity" things - ;)
Anyhow / and please don't take this the wrong way - but I am not sure why it took you so long to get my name figured out when I told you a few times - many times!
and early on you kept mentioning that I had "three" names when it should have been old news by then!! So it felt like you brought it up in "every" correspondence - and even during the conference call I joined in 18 months ago yoh said "lady with three names" - and That was actually when I came up with lady T - it was for lady tres - which I told you as well.
But Mel - No worries that you keep bringing it up - ha! Cos I can't imagine how many emails and names you come across - I can't imagine how many people you have spoken with and I can't imagine how many people have left comments with new and undated emails - whew -

so if you want to keep bringing up my three names - you have my full permission and I will never tire of smiling and nodding as I say "yeah, I have had a few names here...."
And by the way - the sweet handle of "lady truth" is pretty bad to the bone so when I meet Peter someday - I will give him an extra high five for that nickname - ;)

Anyhow - seeing that Peter started this thread to say thanks to me -
I want to take this chance to say what I like about the three dudes in leadership here!

So to you readers out there - I invite you to join in as I share my experience with the guys who I named the three musketeers!

I will start with Mel - selfless Mel!
First of all - he admits that he can be bumpy and rough around the edges at time - I think he used the oscar from the odd couple as an example to help describe that side; however, it is only one part of this very socialable man who has a love for God, a heart for people, and all this life seasoning that is imbued in his encouraging ministry to HELP others recover -

and I really hope mel can find a way to generate consistent revenue to meet some very basic needs on his fixed income - and hopefully we are all doing what we can with his "gofundme" page - but I hope God has a more long term solution to provide as a "laborer is worth his wage" and well - God knows what Mel needs and we can trust He has it covered - and with that said - I also know that Mel is sending ahead many kingdom rewards - yeah baby!

Many people do not really get the "heavenly investments" thing - but some of us do - and some of us live a life that puts those rewards first!
However - some also actually need to be careful at times because the enemy will sometimes even use the guise of kingdom giving to bewilder (as he comes to rob kill destroy) and so we give as God leads - and I say this from experience because God will show us what is required of us for this day -
anyhow - treasures in heaven are something we should not minimize - but there is also much intrinsic value down here from serving and giving In ways like Mel does -

and some would say the ultimate contentment comes from a life with meaning - a life that has emphasis on serving others - with needed self-care too - so we are able to still give - but the richest life is often the one that has giving - so cheers Mel!

And dear Mel - another thing I love about you is that odd couple side you mentioned - wanna know why? Because it is so trustworthy! You see - Mel has this authentic and transparent personality that is trusting - I have met so many smooth sweet talkers who had masks - or folks who were perfectly controlled and smooth to find they had hidden sides that were ugly - well - um - my point is that when Mel leads a call and rounds things up with his style - or when maybe he gets a little grumpy - the authentic naturalness to his demeanor is refreshing in a world that has so many less genuine styles coming out - and nothing against social roles and needed masks -

but my point is that Mel is the real deal! And so if Mel had a third name (ha!) you know - after Mel and then Oscar from the odd couple - well in my opinion mel's tres name would be "mr real deal"---

Mel is real deal with his concern for every stranger - the real deal for paying it forward as he shares his past nightmare MD story and never forgets the horrid days - he is the real deal as he still seeks counsel and advice - he is the real deal as he delegates and invites others to share in the care this site has to offer - he is the real deal as he invites posts and wants activity - and he is the real deal as he gave his own money for others to get the protocol - and as he continues to leave his mark on this earth before Jesus calls him home.
Oh and love the little tidbits Mel shares - like his quotes - his staying away from bananas and whatnot - and his cute offer of chicken parm! Mmmmm

And for Peter - the humble, growing warrior - who goes out of his way to encourage and who is NOT competitive - whew - he is just chill!
My favorite things about Peter have to do with how confident he is- not ever trying to be this superior know it all - but shares important stuff while sharing that he is still learning - sharing this seasoned wisdom in never a cocky way- and humble enough to share his growth of the fact that he is still learning a lot!
and further -he is not threatened when others share meaty stuff - but instead celebrates it as making the "whole" better - and this takes a very calm sense of self and wholeness to be able to astutely respond to posts and contribute new threads when he can. For example - I love one of his posts where he came and shared that he really did not know what to share (but noted that he was being intentional to communicate here) and then he shared a few joys of where is at in his own healing journey - and Peter's appreciation for simple things - and his awe for learning - just oh so great!

To me - it is most fun to see peter's diverse feedback - from going off on encouraging someone (and in a way that is meant to also inspire others who will be reading too) to then sharing deep knowledge stuff or sections of articles and all this insight - to then sharing practical stuff - like the brown rice bread that he enjoyed - which for me was a special tip because getting off bread was extra hard for me early on - bread was one of my staples - and brown rice bread helped me wean - to where I now have new staples --- ;)

So thanks for all you do dear Peter and thanks for giving me a nick name - and when we meet up someday I will give you a big hug for that!

And lastly - JohnB - I first encountered him actually when I saw his name as a commenter on Mr CS's "mundane approach to MD" site- and I loved his mind and strong comments!
he had such a gentle response - with lots of wisdom - and he seemed to really respect Mr CS. I also shared some emails with johnb in 2014 (I think it was then) and he really has a great bedside manner.
And then when he makes the time to post on this thread - I personally sense it is to give back because He cares - and yes - he has the logos products being promoted here - so obviously there is a business side - but i actually think the logos products kind of sell themselves - it is word of mouth and the effective outcomes that keep people ordering -(so keep that in mind if you are on the fence with trying logos - they have a money back guarantee and the reason people like me talk about this protocol is because it is effective)
and I actually feel like JohnB is in a very tough dilemma at times - to have an item that heals and then to also not be able to give it away - argh! Must be hard - And so as they throw in the coq10 for MD folks - and as logos offers 10% off ((as most good online stores do as well - who knows how retail stuff is priced anyway)) but my point is that it seems like they are trying to not gorged customers as they let God lead.
And Johnb also gives of his time here - while giving God all the glory and while carrying the torch for the work his dad did with supplements!
a special thanks to JohnB comes from something I read of his elsewhere - he was honoring a friend that died and then johnb noted something about how "God kept John and his friend safe during the crazy high school days" - and funny how God uses this kinda stuff to encourage us - because that spoke to me that day! You see - my own teen was going out more and more at that time and as I was worrying a bit - I felt comforted to hear a bit of john's story - that he was not always pristine - and more important - that god's almighty hand was all over him - every year - every phase - for grade school to high school to now running logos - but it helped me take a nice exhale and remember that God has hands on my kids - and me!
- and let us all remember that almighty God has each of us in the palm of his hand and in the covering of his wing - and if God's eye is on the lowly sparrow - how much more does he care for you my friend!
Anyhow - I trust dear john b - and I think I have shared before that I am very skeptical of most Christians (just from decades of being around many churches) and also sometimes skeptical of business folks - cos we all know they can have an agenda -
But JohnB puts his faith in Christ first as he is led to make time to stay involved in this crazy disease called MD- and I think he could stay out of forums and still have his products hold their own - but when he comes Around to personally comment it is because he cares for people and he also knows there is a great delusion in the world of health care!

And johnb seems to never tire of saying the same things over - "we need to rebuild the terrain" and "not just treat symptoms...."
Or sometimes he will chime in with things we know he has said many times before - but I think he never tires of it because he knows it is part of his calling - to help share truth about wellness - to dispel the myths and lies - and he knows that each new person he encounters has so much conditioning and so much to learn as they fight for their health with sound products!

In closing - thanks for letting me share all this here - because all three of these guys continue to give God the glory for what they do - and I will never tire of writing about how sweet these three dudes are - I am sure they are not perfect and as noted - I will never tire of Mel continuing to remind me that I have used three names (when actually I think it was FOUR! - ha!) <3

the real focus is on bigger things - like coming together To use our gifts and talents as a whole - because we are stronger together - did you hear this?
Every single person who has this has a part to play here -
and each one of us contributes uniquely and in ways that only we can!
And so never ever forget this - that when you reply or post a thread - it is needed because it has "your" essence - you will never write like Peter - lady t - John or Mel - but you will bring YOU!
and it can add something rich in its own way - so don't feel any pressure - but stay open to god leading when and if you should share here - just like nana did recently when she chimed in!

And stay open to how you give (and/or refrain from giving) because as Ecclesiastes notes - "to everything there is a time...." And it is between you and God as to what you do with your life, resources, and time -
But know this -God brought you here to read this right now!
GOD knew you would get MD - and he knows when remission will come -
and he has a plan for your life that started before you were born - he knew your name before you were born and he knows the number of hairs on your head - or how many you lost cos of this illness - but he will restore and he has a plan!
so trust him and get to know him more and more!
God loves you so much and he says come to him and he will give you rest and he will fill you with a peace that passes understanding! That's good news! Everyone - be encouraged and stay the course!

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