Amber 9/27/2015 1:39:51 PM | Good morning all! It's a beautiful fall morning here and I'm so thankful to be able to sit here with my husband and enjoy all of God's glory. As of late I have been focused on preparing my older children for adulthood. As we all know time flies and it's hard to believe I'm in this season already. I have been teaching them how to survive out there in an ever changing world. Making sure on top of all the usual stuff we teach our children, that they understand how important it is to keep a good diet and supplements in play. Above all that they understand how important a relationship with the Lord is. It's so easy during the college years to get caught up in the ways of the world. Now that school is back in, my daily schedule consists of waking up at 5AM to prepare a healthy breakfast, dosing supplements, putting together healthy lunches, meetings, extra curricular activities, homework and then preparing again for the next day. In between that I am either grocery shopping, cleaning or running to doctor appointments for mom or kids, volunteering at church or doing mandatory volunteering for the kids' extra curricular activities. I try to be in bed by 8:30- 9:00 every night so that I can get enough rest. Naps just don't and can't exist in my busy world. I am so blessed that my children are now well enough to do all of these things and because of the protocol and God's grace, I am able to keep up with it all. There was a time when I could hardly put one foot in front of the other because of this disease and because of all the other health challenges we as a family were facing. I dream of having my career back. I am still dealing with ptsd and being overwhelmed by all the demands. I know that if I can get the older kids to a certain point of being more self sufficient and starting their own lives, with just my little guy around, having a career again is totally obtainable. Even though the thought of my babies growing up literally brings tears to my eyes, I know this is the natural progression of life. My kids healing has come so far. They continue to do well and are still eating clean and taking their supplements every day. I continue to do well too. I have had an intermittent rash on my right hand that comes and goes. It will flair when we have a moon cycle or I'm stressed. Yes, I still battle with letting stress creep in. The Lord says I'm a work in progress. Hahaha! My husband and mom are doing great. I'm so very thankful to have both of them by my side helping one another with this thing called life. I don't really have any friends outside of the ones in this community and church, and you know what? I'm totally okay with that! I made exercise a priority over summer and plan to again. Exercise helps so much with those feelings of stress. I prefer to get a walk in during early morning hours. It almost feels like it's just me and God out there. I have the best conversations with the Lord during that time. We have come so far! Thanks for taking the time to read my update and I hope it finds you well. This community continues to be my guide and I appreciate all of you more than you'll ever know. Love, Amber&family |
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