Kim 10/13/2014 7:37:49 PM | Hello, I am looking into getting the protocol that Mel was on, but I would like some feedback from someone who is on a Vegan Raw diet and taking the protocol and how much fruit they are consuming. I did try doing a diet without fruit and just vegetables and nuts but got dizzy spells and became very weak. It seems as long as I am eating mostly raw fruits, vegetables and nuts, I feel strong enough to deal with my situation of stinging symptoms but I am concerned how this will work with the protocol. Thank you for any guidance you can give me Kim |
Kim 10/16/2015 8:16:14 AM edit upload | Hello Everyone, Just an update: On November 3, 2015, it will be 1 year that I have been on this protocol. I am proud to say that I haven't missed any pills, silver or MMS dosages during this whole time. I didn't know that I could be so regimented and disciplined, like a robot lol! Although I am still experiencing stinging sensations they don't seem to be as intense but of course I am still anxious to have it gone completely! The typical red, brown sores and pin prick marks are still appearing on my body but they don't upset me anymore as much as the stinging sensations or the constant sensations that feels like there is sand in clothes but even this now comes and goes! Lately I have been battling with itchy ears and using different methods for relief. The leg cramps are still happening but only some nights. Also, constipation seems to be an new issue that I am having. My maintenance dose of MMS is still 20 drops each night and I bathe in MMS every two days alternating with empsom salt baths and tea tree oil. Coconut oil mixed with essential oils is still my only body lotion and my diet is still basically 75% raw veggies with one portion of cooked veggies at night. Over the months I have slowly been adding a green granny smith apple to my diet and it seems to fine. Other than than I still don't eat any fruit. This is my second month on the immune pulse which I hope helps to accelerate my healing. Kim |
Kim 8/28/2015 6:50:22 AM | Hello Everyone, Just checking in. Didn't realize it's been so long since my last posting. I am still having good days and bad days but feeling physically stronger lately. Tomatoes are in season here so I have been trying them on occasion and they are fresh from my mother's garden. Thank you Peter for your posting of the tomatoes, it really helped me make a decision to try the tomatoes again. I also added apples to my diet but not every day. I tried hot yoga for a few weeks (they had a special on 20 days for $20.00) and it seemed to help with the symptoms. The heat seemed to draw all the toxins out of my skin and the exercise itself was very good for my overall well being. I can't afford to join the classes but I am thinking of just buying a yoga mat and doing the yoga exercises at home. On Wednesday, I tried some restricted foods like potatoes and rice and so far I haven't experienced any increase in my symptoms, but I am being very cautious, so I am not going to eat it regularly yet. I have to attend two family weddings in September so I am hoping to have more tolerance for different foods by then as I don't know what foods are going to be served to us on those days, only that I was able to request vegetarian gluten free on the invitations. I am not splitting the MMS this month. It has been a challenge each month for me to get the doses in at the right intervals before going to work, so I am just going to see if it makes any difference this month to my symptoms. I kinda like taking the full dose at night as it makes me fall asleep quickly and it feels like I am killing all the pathogens while I sleep. Getting lots of sunshine and going for walks seems to be helping my skin feel better too. We spent a whole day on a sandy beach last weekend and it was great! There are still blood red raised sores and brown spots appearing all over my body and lately some sores have been appearing that look like moles or warts and have a tough callous surface to them. My eyesight isn't the greatest so I wouldn't know if there are any fibres coming out of these sores and they are in hard to get places, like behind my knee, that I can't use the microscope to see anyways. My weight has been maintaining at 120 to 123lbs. At one point I was 118lbs which I felt was too light for my 5'3" frame, so I increased my avocadoes to two a day and it really helped to increase to a more comfortable weight. I also use a lot of coconut oil with my meals as well as all over my body and head every night. I have such a ritual I do every day that feels comfortable to me now, except when I have to sleep overnight somewhere, and that's when it throws me off a bit but I always recover when I am home again. Well, that's my post for now. I will try to post more often! Have a great weekend everybody!! |
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