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In Houston and new to Morgellons

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2:46:13 AM

Hello Margaret

I want to welcome you here too. You no longer need to feel desperate and alone. Because you are not. There are many here to help support you along the journey that lies ahead for you. And, be assured, if you dedicate to this protocol, you will take your health back. Believe it!

Strength and Love,

3:30:45 PM

Hi Margaret,
You are very nice wishing us Happy Thanksgiving during tough times. You are right this website is a a blessing. Don't worry about everyone else right now. Just learn how to get healthy and believe. You will get all that from this website. Everyone here understands.

Get on the protocol and look up cleaning your environment, cleaning your laundry and cleaning your diet. Search engine helpful tool. Put your A/C on 60/ 65 if you can afford it. It made me feel much better.

I am in Clear Lake so if you want someone to email and talk then get my information from Mel. Mel is pretty good at this advising stuff, but you know the saying "been there done that" so I may be able to provide some support.

You are in my prayers.
Never give up hope!

11:20:19 PM

Dear Margaret, Though I am unable to speak by phone at this time, I just wanted you to know that you are welcomed into this healing place with open arms. And, that you are not alone in the experience of being viewed as mentally ill. I have found that only certain types of people are open minded enough to learn about something that is at this time off the medical grid. Most, still blindly follow the current medical association's party line. If they don't know about it from med school or their almighty journals, it doesn't exist. Yet, the same situation once existed with other conditions such as fibromyalgia, Lyme Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Epstein-Barr, etc... What is happening is that until research is done, docs don't acknowledge it for fear of being ostracized by their own colleagues and medical community. But, all those that were viewed as mentally ill and now diagnosed properly with one of the above disorders are now acknowledged as mentally sound. It is a sad victimization process. The same will inevitably occur with this MD and it will also one day be acknowledged by the medical community. So, if you run into problems with people being unable to understand, try to forgive them and still pursue your cure here. With this protocol you will get well and then family / friends might be able to acknowledge that you are doing better, or maybe they won't. In the end, though, it isn't important. What is important is getting well.
My prayers are with you for your healing. So, don't despair if you can't get support of your family or friends, because we are a surrogate family of support here.
Warm Regards,

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