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Wanted to share a few thoughts

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7:51:54 PM

So I haven't posted in a few months.

I wanted to stop by and share this website with you guys It's a database of cosmetics including "organic" and "natural" (which might not be all that it claims to be). It gives you an overview of the level of toxicity of each ingredient. I literally just spent hours browsing this site. Very good reference.

I would love to find something like that for food...specifically, fruits, veggies & meat (you gotta be careful with that too).

I also wanted to share a few thoughts on hair fibers. I'm not entirely sure but I think my job has it. I could swear I've seen these things on the cash register, on products and on my-coworkers jackets (I can't stand there and observe it so I have no idea if these things are materializing out of nowhere or if it's really just lint or something).

Also, I could swear I've seen them in fruit that I bought from the grocery store. The one thing I can confirm, however, is that I saw hair fibers materializing on clothing at K-Mart last week.

Maybe I'm being too paranoid about anything that looks like a hair fiber,
but these things are out there and it feels like they're everywhere.
I honestly believe that a lot of people have it on their clothes and are completely unaware of it. And it spreads so easily! How do you buy clothes and other items while making sure you're not buying morgellons along with it?

The last thing you want is to add to the problem. Speaking of which, my environment is still the biggest problem in dealing with this.
I'm gonna buy an air cleaning unit to see if that helps. Perhaps cleaner/fresher air will lessen the burdern on the environment.

11:13:45 PM

Tia, I completely understand. They seem to be everywhere. My daughter got a doll for Xmas that seems to have moving hairs. How do you know when it's just static electricity or something else?

1:15:38 PM

Thanx for all the responses!

@Mel, I wish I could walk around the store with a magnifying glass lol! I was actually thinking about buying a blacklight a few months ago but still haven't decided yet. But I suppose there's no real way to not draw attention to yourself observing store products. But at least we can observe our own homes.

@Martha, I still have fibers on all my clothes. But the fibers aren't the problem (it's annoying when you find them though cuz it's a constant reminder that bugs have invaded your home). We need to kill the bugs but they just don't wanna die O_O

@Peter, how do you clean the air ducts? And what about the vents that the air comes through? I have central heat/air and I've noticed a build up of dust in the vents but I can't get to it to clean it. I'm also at a loss as to how to clean the basement since there's cracks, crevices & wall peelings everywhere. Like, there's no way I can do full coverage of the basement on my own.

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