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a Merry Chrismas to all

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Original 12/24/2024 Post

3:12:28 PM

Morgellons - a Merry Chrismas to all

To Mel and all community members

It is with great joy that I am able to wish my loving brother and dear friend Mel Friedman a "very Merry Christmas!" And to everyone else here who have made this community a safe place....that is filled with love and peace....I wish you "a happy and joyous Holliday season as well!"

I hope that you all are surrounded with the people that matter the most in your in your life this year....and I pray that everyone will remember that Christ Jesus is...."the reason for the season."

"Merry Christmas!"


One more thing to say here....."Take the Train!" You'll have a wonderful time if you do!
you can see it in Mel's post on Christmas!

Responses (Newest First)

Neecy Perry
9:15:50 AM

Morgellons - a Merry Chrismas to all

I forgot to tell Mel, the train is amazing!

Everyone needs to see the video! I was totally blown away and have watched it several times!

I had to put that out there, y’all !

9:13:05 AM

Morgellons - a Merry Chrismas to all

Wishing Mel and everyone a very Merry Christmas from a cow patch in Alerbamer! On this very special day that we celebrate the Birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I am not alone! I’m spending the Day with Jesus, and that’s why this Day is Celebrated, because of Him coming into the world; bringing Peace, Love and Joy to us all! So, if anyone is spending the holidays alone, remember, you are never alone; He’s always with us! So God bless you all; you are all my family and I love you all, dearly! Merry Christmas!