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A Healthy, Peaceful New Year to All

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Original 1/3/2024 Post

2:02:57 PM

Morgellons - A Healthy, Peaceful New Year to All

Dear All,

Here's wishing every single person who reads this a Renewal of their Health and a sense of Peace this year.

I am reaching out to anyone who is struggling just now, that the struggles will pass. Nothing lasts forever. Hold on and stay Strong in Faith. Love yourself, be Kind and Gentle to you as you go through this healing journey.

This is a super tough illness to have, so please be Compassionate to yourself. On days when it feels too much do all you can to rest your mind and body. Remember, it is not your fault you got this disease!! Your immunity was weakened and therefore you got sick. But, step by step, day by day you will find your way through!

We have got your back here at this community. Join the website, reach out and post . Get coaching from Mel to help you stay the course. Come along to Saturday's free Super informative Conference calls and Nurturing Sunday Prayer.

No one needs be alone in their healing journey. Learn from those who have gone before you. Reassure yourself, you can and you will get through this.

Breathe ...... You have got this!

Love Chrissie