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A window of light

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Original 1/16/2018 Post

1:38:22 PM

Hello Everyone,

Today was one of those rare days. I woke up and realized I felt much better.

I felt energetic...enthusiastic...and the area of biofilm I've been battling for so long has started to flatten out and disappear.

Like all of us...I do believe I'll get completely well. I'm at 90%...but it just takes so long with this disease that sometimes it's easy to forget what that feels magical moment comes and there is a light that shines so completely on the goal that it is impossible to ignore.

It's hard to describe the feeling of euphoria that this has brought to me. It's like finally coming to accept that life will never again be the way it was and then waking up one morning and realizing that...there it is...that old feeling...that feeling of forward looking hope for normal fun with family and, laughter and joy without the constant fear of everything we with MD carry with us daily.

Then a thought came to me. A scene from a popular movie from several years ago...The "Shawshank Redemption." I've often thought that the path to wellness was not unlike the main character's task he'd set forth for himself to build a tunnel out of the prison...having to dispose of the dirt he'd dug out in tiny increments in the cuffs of his pants on the exercise yard daily.

He didn't give up though...and in the end he and Morgan Freeman were enjoying the beach with sun on their faces.

That's a hard thing to keep in your heart though when the going seems so keep up the faith...but, to me, the scene from the movie where the main character plays the opera song and puts it on the prison PA captures the essence of how hope remembered feels...and it's how I feel today.

I'm including a link to that scene that I found on Youtube. I'm not sure if it will upload on this forum post, but I'll also email it to Mel to see if he'll include it if it doesn't come up as a hot link.

Here it is:




Responses (Newest First)

9:43:06 AM

Hi Karen,

That was a great movie!
keep on going on no matter where you find yourself in life!!!

Don`t do like the first man did, that was released; that just could not face life on the outside, and took his life in that dingy old room because he felt so scared and overwhelmed.

We all have to keep on fighting no matter how dark things might seem. we have to win, not let MD win and keep us imprisoned like that poor man was!!

Thanks for the light!

7:40:03 PM

Wow Karen!!! :-) what a lovely, evocative post this is!
Firstly, 'The Shawshank Redemption,' is one of my all time favourite movies, it's wonderful.
I smiled at how wonderfully apt it was, when you described Andy chiselling away at the walls for years being similar to us chiselling away at the dis-ease!
Karen, that's a PERFECT way to describe it!
And oh boy my friends, don't we just know how long it takes to build our bioterrain!!
If only we could go into the bioterrain shop, buy some bioterrain and plant it in our system.. Voila!:-)
Alas, no, life is not like that.
But, to hear Karen how happy you feel to be getting your health back.
It's like a little bird that's finally been let out her cage to fly.
You can now flap your (proverbial) wings around and squawk loudly in your lovely (is it southern, I really like it) accent..
You are beginning to be liberated and to break free from a lot of the constraints this disease imposes on a person.
I watched the scene from the film.
It's a beautiful scene.
To see people not broken, despite the odds.
To see them smile, fight for freedom and beauty and happiness and health.
To see the unbreakable rising up from within the breakable.
I guess that's the spirit in those men that didn't break.
Just like our spirits haven't broken.
Though many times they felt that way.
But we weren't broken.
We are not broken!!!
And we all still fight the good fight, so like these men in the film...
We can once again, hold our heads to the sun and smile.
And one day be free again, free from this illness.
And as Mel says, 'do the happy dance!'
Now will it be a tango?
A foxtrot?
A salsa?

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