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Affordable Option that Helped against bird mites!

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Original 5/9/2024 Post

10:57:21 PM

Morgellons - Affordable Option that Helped against bird mites!

I thought I’d start a new thread for just some miscellaneous helpful information that may help one another throughout our home, outside, or our environment.

Recently, I watched a video on YouTube, where someone had tied a light blue piece of cloth may be about the size of a clean next to the base of their lights on their porch, or also hanging above their area where they sit outside above where their patio table was, and ever since that they hung the cloth. birds have never came back!

I’m not sure if the birds were afraid it was another one or possibly a Bluejay, because they are pretty mean, but it doesn’t matter, it worked, so I had to share!

Anything else that you can think of that would help one another out, I invite you to please share!

Take care!