Peter 4/15/2016 2:58:54 AM | Hi Paul There is one other consideration in diet. Based on insulin sensitivity, I incline myself to not only look to what I am eating, but also the time of day that I am eating it. As I understand it, the body is generally least insulin sensitive in the morning. That means that the body is least prepared to draw upon insulin to metabolize carbohydrates and sugars. It is most insulin sensitive later in the afternoon. So, In my opinion, understanding this equates to viewing the traditional breakfast of oat meal, toast, or other healthy grains, cereals, or fruits is all wrong. I believe carbohydrates should come later in the day when I am most insulin sensitive. So,I begin my day with protein. Eggs or a Renaissance protein shake with a small amount of low glycemic fruit like blueberries or an avocado better fits this insulin sensitivity profile. I save my carbohydrates for the afternoon, or early evening, when I am more insulin sensitive. There is a good article on the Logos Nutritionals web site that explains different body types and aligning foods to each type. This is also useful to understand and an important read. Hope this helps and becomes useful to you. Blessings, Peter |
Lady T 4/11/2016 7:03:47 AM | Hi Paul- I just wanted to chime in about the morning o's cereal - in my experience all cereal was off limits for me- i tried it again as I got healthier and it just was not life giving for me. I also know many folks from Lyme forums and many there stay away from all grains while the lining of the stomach heals - I also used eggs a lot during my first few months of healing! Have them less now - but They are a multivitamin for sure - I could list a bunch of my favorite foods - but you would still have to see what works for you - and I still tru and watch how much almond milk I have because the sugar adds up! Many times when we are hungry we are actually Feeding the parasites - or we are dehydrated - or we are nutritionally lacking! Because of the fungal load with Morgs - I believe many people start off with some level of malabsorption and have a very nutrient deficient body! And I live that the logos supplements are so bioavailable that they start feeding and nourishing -I hate promoting a brand like this - but it is the truth! During my healing - I also supplemented with beet powder - and powdered greens - and very early on I bought liver powder from now foods and put it in capsules with HCL! Wonderful! Wonderful!! But the logos vitamins feed your cells and in hindsight I see this more / and the protocol reduces parasites and helps your body resist better So for me at least - the appetite really became satiated - Never was a big eater - but I was a grazer - always snacked - but I see now I was likely needing to chew because of parasites. But that is for another post! Some top foods for me early on - were trader joes brown rice bread - thanks to Peter for that suggestion in a call archive! Toast and bread was a staple for me before I got sick (stupid that I would have toast as a meal - but I used to think fat free was good too - but now I eat healthy fats!!!) and so having brown rice bread early on really helped me change my habits- I eventually moved away from needing to have any toast and I eat more paleo style. Yeah - I think I am more paleo for sure now that things inside can process better and all that! But early on I also lived off of trader joes soy protein shakes - soy never bothers me and this low sugar organic non-gmo powder mixed with water and tasted fine! Not like cake batter - ha! The logos protein is super great -but was too expensive for me- I also bought whey isolate tablets online about five dollars from good n natural - and had some after yoga or when I needed them. Trader joes slow cooking grits were a nice option- I would make a supply for three days. Cottage cheese is a special item for me! And as you know there are many recipes here in the site! Oh - also - I made soups (lentil esp.) and drank kefir everyday- still do! Sometimes a whole jug - or just a few sips. I know most carbs should be off limits - but potatoes seemed to work with my body - sliced wedges baked - or mashed with butter - And I made trader joes organic popcorn with olive oil - and then added salt and butter - this was a dense meal for. Long time! Good snack for teens too - the butter and sea salt has many benefits - mmmm We have a homemade chili that I also enjoyed - but I also adjusted my life to calorie reduction and times of light fasting for things to work better - but it was amazing how cravings dissipated and how satiation sets in! I still get hungry, and have times I need to chow - but I am no longer a grazer -and one nice outcome of morgellons has been this contentment I feel! Back in 1993 I was trying to cleanse with Apple cider vinegar and thought I knew so much- ha! But it took me getting this horrid disease to really "see" that supplements are needed for most people - especially those with candida fungal issues - and to see that the small intestine is where so much immune function is based from- Our culture eats way too much sugar and most cereal is processed carb with little nutrients - it fills you up but does not give life! And so we all need to keep that in mind with the protocol costs - it feeds the cells and supplements meals and you slowly feel more satisfied! for me I ended up eating less because I was finally really getting nutrition! I also suggest following a candida-rid diet- look online for tips on that'- Hope that helps and hope you have a good week! Stay strong in your fight with this illness and when you are healed there will be many people you will share tips with- so as you explore new things each week - stay strong and may God bless you and your family - I know this is a nightmare - but it is not a death sentence and people do get healed - and you can too! It takes a while - it does require major life changes - but it is worth it! Take care |
Paul 4/6/2016 12:13:08 PM edit upload | Hello everyone, I haven't posted in a while as I needed to concentrate on my protocol, family and work and found it difficult to find time to write an update. I now realize that staying in communication with the forum is therapeutic in addition to being informative. As for my update, I was doing much better until the start of the year when I seemed to have regressed. In talking to John this morning, he feels this is related to having metal fillings removed at the end of the year. I am now having more crawling on my scalp and also seeing flies which I hadn't seen since I started the protocol. Hopefully this is a short setback. I do have a question that I'm hoping Peter or someone else can answer regarding diet. I follow the diet as best I can since I'm working full time and have two young kids to contend with but I eat quite a bit of Morning O's cereal, almond milk and almond tortillas. Morning O's is made with Oat and rice flour but I'm wondering if it is ok to eat often. Other than those, I also quite a lot of eggs and avocados. I love avocados so I'm so happy they are part of the diet. As I mentioned in another post, I did manage to make the coffee, tea breakfast call on Saturday morning. It was very informative and comforting and I plan to make more of those as I can. I'll post again soon and hopefully my healing will be back on track then. Paul |
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