Linda 9/25/2020 10:02:34 AM | Hi Karen the librarian, This is a very interesting post about amaranth. I never really knew anything about it but will be looking for now. I used to buy amaranth cookies in the health food section at Wegmans. They were delicious but haven't looked for them lately. I'm sure they had some sugar in them. Thank you Karen. Blessings Linda | |||
Karen (the Librarian) 9/25/2020 10:02:34 AM | Good morning all and Joe especially. I just read an interesting article about Amaranth. Just wondering if it is an ok grain for us to eat? Of course, it would be wise to eat a small amount a couple times to see how our body reacts. Below find information about the origins, nutritional components,and how to cook. (I have copied and pasted most of the article: source: https://www.firstforwomen.com/posts/food-recipes/amaranth-benefits) Here are some tidbits from it: "You may not be familiar with this grain, but it’s yummy flavor and health perks date back thousands of years. In fact, according to the Whole Grains Council, Aztecs actually referred to amaranth as the “food of immortality.” They describe the flavor as peppery yet “pleasantly sweet” with a “grassy aroma. " Let’s start with a simple breakdown of the nutrition packed into one cup of the petite grains: 9 grams of protein, 5 grams of fiber, 116 milligrams of calcium, 5 milligrams of iron, 150 milligrams of magnesium, 332 milligrams of potassium, and 13.5 micrograms of selenium. That impressive amount of protein gets even better thanks to it being a complete protein, meaning it includes all nine essential amino acids. Along with that, the high fiber content makes it a beneficial addition for anyone looking to shed a few pounds thanks to the nutrient’s digestive and gut-healing properties. Plus: It’s gluten-free!" A 2014 study published in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research backs up the anti-inflammatory findings with their 2014 study which discovered amaranth prevented the activation of NK-kB (a group of genes that trigger inflammatory and immune responses). Although inflammation is our body’s natural response to damaged or harmful cells, anyone with chronic inflammation issues might find some relief by chowing down adding amaranth to their regular diet. An earlier study from 2012 in the Journal of Food Science listed a few more benefits you can likely count on from amaranth that have been observed over the years, including lower cholesterol and blood sugar and improved hypertension. It also boosts the immune system, and can even ward off allergic reactions. That’s a lot for such a tiny grain! So, by now you’re probably wondering how to cook amaranth. Well, you can use it in the same way you would any other grain. The Whole Grains Counsel recommends combining a cup of the dried grain with two cups of liquid (water or your favorite broth) and letting it boil for about 15 to 20 minutes. They compare the texture to that of porridge and polenta. Then toss pretty much anything on top — veggies, fish, meat, or even use it for a sweeter treat with ingredients like chocolate and cinnamon. It’s so versatile! thank you for your comments! Karen (the librarian) | |||
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