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A New Warrior From MA!

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Original 11/2/2012 Post

4:42:50 PM

I have posted a couple of times and now would love to communicate with more of you.

First of all . . THANK YOU MEL AND PETER
We are so lucky to have this site started by Mel. He truly believes we are ALL going to get well, and I am hanging on to that belief! I started having symptoms in August, am on the Logos supplements part of the protocol two weeks now, and will start the MMS after next week.

A few things I would like to share today . . .

Gratitude is necessary to keep going through this disease and I am so grateful for the following:

During hurricane Sandy, despite horrible winds and rain, I never lost power!

I am so grateful that my family believes me 100% and has been as supportive as they can.

I have have two elderly parents with health issues, a sister who is severely disabled and I have not been able to help them since I got sick, BUT I talk with them all the time and let them know that this situation is only temporary.

I have a 2 1/2 year old grand daughter that I haven't been able to see BUT we can Skype!

My doctor doesn't quite believe me, BUT she did all the tests (blood work, heavy metals, Metabolic series) I requested so I can have a baseline report and she will monitor me as needed.

I'm not sure if I can keep up work three days/week BUT I have been able to do it so far.

I have wonderful friends who don't really understand what I am going through BUT check up on me all the time.

I am very frightened a lot of the time BUT have gained so much strength and hope from all of you,

Wishing you peace,


Responses (Newest First)

10:48:16 AM

Hello Ellen,

This is Paula from Okla City, I was just wondering about complete healing, what does that look like?

I have been on the protocol for 7 months and I feel so much better.

I would just like to talk with you either email, skype, text or whatever would be possible for us to chat. Please let me know either way, I totally understand if its not possible. I know you might be busy, I am also busy.

love always, Paula

8:11:11 AM

Is there anyway possible that I could speak to you on the phone? it has been since August that I discovered this on/in my body and I would like to start treatment.

If I could speak to someone about this it would be greatly helpful.

Mel has my contact information, I too am from Massachusetts.

Thank you very much,


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