Ruth 3/26/2017 4:08:18 PM | Hi Laura, Marie sends her love and asked me to send this reply to you: "Calm your fears with deep slow breathing and listen to your favourite musice and know that one day you will be well. Mel says children are the easiest to cure so you can be reassured your daughter will get well. There is a lot of advice on the 'children and morgellons' thread. Also put children into the search engine at the top of the page. Rest as much as you can, cut back on cleaning. Know that you are not alone as you will get help from people here. Go gently trying to change your child's diet, but go gluten free and have red berries rather than candy. Give the child her own little tub to grow herbs and salad greens." |
laura 3/25/2017 10:00:29 AM edit upload | Dear Marie Thank you for your words of encouragement! I love this site and i have found it very helpful, every day that passes i get less afraid of the fibers that crawl, however there are days when i just feel so down and overwhelmed from all the cleaning and keeping up with the fibers. I have a 9 year old that is infected and i do get scared for her. Currently trying to adjust her diet to less sugar and wheat, she is also allergic to egg and dairy so this is i guess for the good. Shes having a gastroenterologist appointment next month hopefully he can order an extensive stool test. I will like much to know about the child protocol. I will call Mel and ask, if there are any parents here willing to help, you are welcome to contact me. Thanks and God is good!! |
Marie 3/18/2017 9:58:08 AM edit upload | Laura, You have come to a safe place now. The white things are not eggs just rubbish. They can't hurt you. Don't be afraid of them . wipe them away. Vacuum the floor/ spray Kleen Green. Yes the hair, the eyes/ eyebrows, the crawling and itching are a nuisance but it will all pass as you begin to build your depleted immune system with the right things. A Hemp cream with canaboil helped me with sore feet. Get some Sovereigh colloidal silver. It's wonderful. I use it for almost everything but didn't think of using it in around eyes. I do now, following Mel's suggestion on the forum . I had used Ocusoft plus wipes for months and very good they were but silver is as good. Everything went quiet , eyebrows grew back, hair grew back and things stopped their nightly prowl round my face. The hair still did the occasionally waltz ---then bang! It has all started up again but it will pass. We get a lot of hiccoughs along the way so be prepared for them and do not get downhearted. I take my drop of oregana oil under the tongue in a little coconut oil. Look for Miss V's post about essential oils. ( there is a search box at top of page so put Miss V in it Once you lose the fear then you can use that energy to get well. Ditch the junk food, Think Green-Kleen Green, green veg , green herbs, grass fed meat, green Stevia etc. Read the FAQS, read the stories. Remember everything passes and this time will pass and you will look back in wonder at how powerful you were and how you were never alone for God walks with you every step of the way. God Bless. |
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