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8:18:21 AM

Morgellons -

Hello Folks

Aruguloa was a valued green in ancient Rome, where it was celebrated in poetry and prose for its effects on mind and body. Unfortunately, it’s far less popular today than its cousins spinach and kale, even though arugula may be the healthiest green of all. In this post, we’ll look at the evidence for arugula’s health benefits and see if those ancient Romans were right to celebrate it.

Arugula — known as rocket in the UK — is not nearly as popular as other leafy greens, largely due to its spicy and slightly bitter taste. Arugula was brought to North America by British colonists before the founding of the United States. And it waited in relative obscurity, except in traditional Italian American cuisine, until it gained some popularity as a culinary ingredient in the 1990s

Arugula is a leafy green in the brassica family, which includes other cruciferous veggies like cauliflower, kale, cabbage, broccoli, and bok choy. The name “cruciferous” — cross-forming — refers to the shape made by the four petals of their flowers. And lets never lose sight of how important eating this class of vegetables is towards recovery from Morgellons.

So I hope that this post will incline everyone here to take your discovery into the arena of the Incredible potential that can fulfill through this miracle food.

Strength and Love