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9:00:28 AM

Morgellons -

Hello Everyone,

I just pulled this up from recent attendance records.

I thought you might be interested!!

United States of America 26
Other 1 (Communist Country)
China 7
Korea 1
Hong Kong1
Japan 2
Vietnam 1
New Zealand 1
Bulgaria 1
Other 1
Canada 1
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

9:00:28 AM

Morgellons -

Hello Everyone ,

Hope all is well with Everyone and that all who are dealing with this Disease are progressing in there recovery.

I wanted to draw your attention to Asia and the steady increase in visitor's from Asia lately..
I do hope the word spreads to all those who are afflicted with this disease throughout not only Asia but every country that's been affected by this disease, that there are answers on this website and they can get in touch with Mel to learn about the protocol along with coaching, that will ensure they get on the path to recovery..

Again we Welcome everyone from Asia and other countries as well to this website and to this community of very helpful members who are also traveling this road with you, some have been here longer than others and have gained a lot of knowledge on the subject, it would be worth your while to post some questions and if possible your questions will be answered.

So Again Welcome to all the precious souls who are looking for help and have found this website .. You will find answers here and by all means reach out to Mel for coaching and to the rest of the community with any questions you may have.. We truly hope you will get well soon .

Prayers for all who are walking down this road to recovery.