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Aspartame Heads Up

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Original 9/11/2024 Post

4:08:20 AM

Morgellons - Aspartame Heads Up

Hello folks

I want to share some very important information. I have dedicated for years now to sharing examples of how labels are being regularly manipulated to deceive consumers through misdirection. So here is yet another recent written example that I just discoveted that supports this deceptive practice by unscrupulous food companies

"The dangerous artificial sweetener, Aspartame, (used commonly under the label NutraSweet) is now being re-branded as "AMINO SWEET." Watch out! This sweetener has an uncertain history."

Many people believe that artificial sweeteners are more healthy than all natural sugars or honey even though research clearly correlates to years of mounting evidence to the opposite. Artificial sweeteners are created to taste sweeter with fewer calories, but over time "this comes with an enormous cost to the consumer’s health."

Please pay attention to labels and watch closely for probable product re naming designed solely to deceive. This is an especially harmful practice that food providers are presenting to confuse the average consumer! Don't be fooled by "Amino Sweet." It is Aspartame renamed! Stick to Stevia.

Strength and Love,

Responses (Newest First)

8:48:38 AM

Morgellons - Aspartame Heads Up


Thanks for this beneficial information.

I remember hearing something about this sweetener a while back and decided to stay away from it.

The only sweetener I trust these days is Stevia! Hope all is well.
