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Beginning month three of the protocol

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Original 8/10/2023 Post

1:57:26 PM

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Hello Everyone,

Just a quick Thank you to Mel and the
HCAF and to all the supporter's of the
Foundation that makes it possible for
Us to receive the medicine we need to
Get well !! A huge Thank you !!

I just received my third month today and
I am so grateful to you Mel and everyone
Else also .

Still working on everything else I need
To do in all areas of my life to incorporate
Healthy choices for the future , what a
Journey!! But it's all good things we're
Doing for ourselves now, it will just take
Time to get it all down and working in our
Daily routine..

I hope everyone is doing well and having
A little fun or a lot along the way to health
Restoration!! I pray for the needed provision
For all the extras we need to eliminate all
Toxins from our environment and bodies!!

God Bless Everyone!!

Responses (Newest First)

8:47:46 AM

Morgellons - Beginning month three of the protocol


From time to time, I check back into this community and pray for all who are recovering from MD.

As I was reading your post, I recalled the frustration of keeping the environment clean. You have the perfect attitude of "cleaning and moving on." Sometimes I would make a joke about the debris not paying rent and were no longer welcomed into my environment. It helped me get through each phase of my recovery.

I encourage you to stay the course because it does and will get better. You will begin to notice even more improvement with the extension supplements. I honestly believe one day, you will return as a past warrior to offer hope for others who are just starting their journey.

Many continued prayers for you and all who are recovering. Never give up hope and know healing is happening.

"Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear." Isaiah 58:8

In Christ,
(Past Warrior)

9:03:26 AM


Hi All ,

A quick shout out to Mel and HCAF for
Making it possible to continue the protocol!!

Thank you so much Mel and Everyone who
Helps with your generous donations that give
Hope to those who are struggling to make ends
Meet .. Thank You!!!

Maybe you don't realize it but you are actually
Giving the gift of life every time you give to
HCAF , God Bless you for caring !!!

I Missed everyone last weekend but I couldn't
Do anything about it, when they management
Schedules something you have to comply no
Matter what , but it's all good ,we learn to just
Roll with it ... Lol ...

I hope everyone is doing well, I missed
Being with you all on the weekend but there's
Always next week...

I'm starting the fourth month soon , and
I'm so looking forward to getting better, I'm
Sticking to the diet and the protocol best I can
And hopefully my environment will start to
Clear soon ... I start this month the extension
And hopefully the debree will lessen ..
That's the worst part of this right
Now is the environment and lint like stuff all
Over the place but I just keep cleaning and go
On ... That's what I have to do...

I give a Huge Thank You Mel and all that support
The foundation for helping those who need it !!!

Hope you All have a good day and get Better soon !!!!