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Benefits of Dopamine

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Original 4/3/2024 Post

10:10:31 PM

Morgellons - You can akso click the picture
You can akso click the picture

Dope-uh what??

OK, no laughing necessary!

I have been doing some research in ways to help the body heal. When we’re up against so many battles with chronic infections and illnesses, there are some critically important ways that help! Of course we know sleep and our diet is so important, but but take a deeper look into it.

Your dopamine levels are very important and if they are kept low, which unfortunately can be very common, it will definitely deplete our energy source thus even helps your brain to function regularly.

Getting your sleep every night is critical, as you already know, again, your food that you take in is a huge help. Also, keeping your body active with some exercise, even if it’s simple from going on walks, keeping your mind active with creative, thinking, journaling, and/or crafting.

There are so many critical benefits, so I’m attaching a link for you to go directly and read more information and here are a couple of more great ways it helps your body.

As a neurotransmitter, dopamine is involved in:
* Movement.
* Memory.
* Pleasurable reward and motivation.
* Behavior and cognition.
* Attention.
* Sleep and arousal.
* Mood.
* Learning.
* Lactation.

As a hormone, dopamine is released into your bloodstream. It plays a small role in the “fight-or-flight” syndrome. The fight-or-flight response refers to your body’s response to a perceived or real stressful situation, such as needing to escape from danger. I know we can all relate to that!

Dopamine also:
* Causes blood vessels to relax (at low doses, it acts as a vasodilator) or constrict (at high doses, it acts as a vasoconstrictor).
* Increases sodium (salt) and urine removal from your body.
* Reduces insulin production in your pancreas.
* Slows gastrointestinal (GI) (gut) content movement and protects your GI lining.
* Reduces lymphocyte activity in your immune system.

Hopefully you will find this helpful & please if you have the time, be sure to take a moment to read in further detail!

All the best!

Responses (Newest First)

6:48:20 AM

Morgellons - Benefits of Dopamine

Hi Peter!

Thank you, you beat me to it! I believe that serotonin levels in your body are just as critical in trying to maintain our health. Maintaining our gut will in turn link up to a healthier brain!

Nancy, thank you for un update on Rusty, I will continue to keep him in my prayers. I hope you enjoyed your time with your family & I hope we get to catch up someday soon.


8:27:56 AM

Morgellons - Benefits of Dopamine

Hi Tea

Brilliant post sister. "Thank you." I would like to add that serotonin is another hormone that works alongside dopamine in the brain. And interestingly, they are both made in the gut. Go figure!

That said, I like to charaterze that they work together like this. Dopamine fuels feelings of joy and happiness. But serotonin fuels feelings of initiative or "being engaged." So interestingly enough, a person can actually be happy but still "immobile" or keep themselves alone with a serotonin deficiency. Or a person can be active and busy, yet "depressed" with a dopamine efficiency.

I think it is therefor very helpful to understand this relationship between these two hormones so we can better navigate through the emotional side of recovery. They certainly must each be in balance and working together for us to be emotionally healthy and well rounded!

"Strength and love"

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