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Bioterrain Hidden Truth

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John Burgstiner
10:54:30 AM

Morgellons -

Beautiful synopsis of the intricate balance of the many systems that comprise our bioterrain Peter. Like Mel, this community is blessed to have your faithful and passionate service.

Love you Brother!


9:44:21 AM

Morgellons -

Thank you for sharing this great information for all to read. Understanding how our bio-terrain works and the proper measures to restoring it, is essential to recovering from this disease.

I encourage all to read this post as it is easy to understand and clearly explains why we are taking this protocol. "Knowledge is Power"

"The wise prevail through great power, and those who have knowledge muster their strength." Proverbs 24:5

In Christ,

10:54:30 AM

Morgellons -

Hello Folks


The term "terrain" was coined by French physiologist Claude Bernard in the 19th century, who used the term for the body's internal environment. Since the body comprises mostly water, the terrain of the body is in essence an aqueous medium. This includes the blood, lymph, and the fluids inside of and between the cells.


The state of the terrain is determined by four factors, namely: its alkaline/acid balance; its electromagnetic charge; its level of poisoning; and its nutritional status (including oxygenation.) The condition of the terrain is absolutely central to the balance between health and disease.

In a garden, we can easily understand the notion that unhealthy soil will yield unhealthy, disease ridden plants, while healthy soil will produce strong, healthy plants. The same concept applies when we look at the terrain of the body. If it is balanced, it will promote health. If it is unbalanced, it will lead to disease.


An unbalanced terrain disrupts the normal function of the body in this way: the immune system is less active causing enzymes, hormones, and other chemical messengers to not work properly. The elimination of toxins is less effective. Prostoglandins and other inflammatory chemicals over accumulate, and digestion and nutrient absorbtion becomes severely inadequate.
The body then struggles to maintain balance between and amongst its many mechanisms, and eventually fails when the level of disruption reaches a "tipping point".... And morgellons arrives!

This is when the variety of symptoms begin, such as skin issues, recurring infections, and neurological and muscular skeletal problems, just to name a few. Biting and stinging sensations soon follow. And this all depends upon individual susceptibility, types of toxins, nutrient deficiencies, and co infections.


Most people then turn to chemical drugs to suppress the symtoms. But these unnatural measures only serve to fuel the fire by aggravating the levels of toxicity, acidity, and the degree of disruption of normal functions. At best, they only offer temporary relief, while worsening the underlying imbalances that led to the development of symptoms in the first place!


So the largest part of any natural treatment protocol must focus upon correcting the imbalances of the terrain. Mel and others here in this community maintain that when the terrain is restored to healthy, our diseases go away.

"Your aim here is to improve the condition of your internal terrain, which is exactly what the Burgstiner Wellness Protocol and Mel's specific delivery schedule imparts. This is the proven way back from this insidious syndrome.

"Just as seeds will not germinate when thrown on asphalt, bacteria.will not take hold in a favorable terrain!" Believe it and dedicate to it!

Strength and Love