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castor oil for healing

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Original 8/21/2024 Post

2:17:55 PM

Morgellons - castor oil for healing

Dear All,

I cannot recommend Extra Virgin Castor Oil enough for healing. I do not recommend using it internally but externally it is truly wonderful.

Make sure you get it in a glass bottle and a decent brand, pure Virgin quality with no additives.

I have had a terrible year with my mum getting Cancer and dying within Four months then my dog going into heart failure directly afterwards. The day before my mum died a woosh of burning acid came up and damaged my stomach lining and my stomach still Is not right. I have long standing issues with my stomach but this time it was so so so severe. So what has saved me... Castor oil packs!

Any place in your body where you have pain or inflammation can be helped. If you dont want to make a pack up just rub a little bit of castor oil into the sore area several times a day and it will help. But ideally If you can, a Castor oil pack is the best way to go and daily for at least an hour or so each day. If you can't do a pack daily do it four X a week for it to be beneficial.

So it's quite simple. Cut up an old cotton t shirt into a double folded rectangle or square that you can drizzle Castor oil into. Then place that in the area of pain, cover with a freezer bag opened and then an old towel. Your good to go, lie down and rest or sleep ..put an old towel down under you in case any oil drips it can be messy. If you don't want to use freezer bags you can buy specific Castor oil pack equipment. With the cotton t shirt you can use the patches several times reapplying the oil. Keep in the fridge for freshness in a sealed container.

Well I use my pack now every night and it's a lifesaver for pain, detox and inflammation. It also works on the parasympathetic nervous system and is very calming. I feel it relax me immediately and it helps me to sleep!

It reduces inflammation, helps stimulate lymphatic flow( so important for Morgellons sufferer's). It helps the digestive process, breakdown, absorption and elimination is improved.

Castor oil packs stimulate the Vagus Nerve, helping to initiate restorative healing impulses in the body. So the Castor Oil pack can help over time ( by doing it at least 4 x a week) with physical and emotional healing by resetting the brains flight or fight responses.

I therefore don't just recommend it for physical healing but also emotional. For people burnt out, exhausted and distressed with Morgellons make up a pack and put it on your Solar Plexus ( stomach area) for emotional healing and REST.

You can place a Castor oil pack over the Liver to lower inflammation and stimulate circulation. Castor oil helps preserve the body's natural Glutathione which is needed for Liver detox.

Castor oil helps with digestive elimination which is key for mast cell and histamine related conditions( many of us have mast cell issues and mold allergies etc). I have both and it is very helpful in my general immunity.

Castor oil is effective in breaking down Biofilm in the body.

And finally Castor oil packs stimulate the hormone Oxytocin which promotes Dopamine in the brain! And we ALL need our parasympathetic nervous systems to relax. This in turn helps promote both emotional and physical healing.

What are you waiting for? Start doing the Castor oil packs today!

Love Chrissie