Maria 7/4/2020 10:58:55 AM | Hello friends and fellow warriors, I have missed feeling connected to all of you as my focus and energy has been with my husband and his family recently as they support my brother-in-law who is struggling to recover after a massive heart attack. So, what is happening at this stage? It's all happy news! My healing is continuing, slowly but surely. July 15th, 2018 was when I felt my first bite from MD, and was lucky to find Mel not too long afterwards. My symptoms are nearly gone...hallelujah!! I still get the occasional very mild bite, and the occasional tiny sand purging from my skin.My forehead, once a hotspot, occasionally still itches. I have come to recognize all the now little signs of MD in my body. As you know, we all experience this disease in slightly different ways, though many of us share similar symptoms. I've learned how vital it is to pay very close attention to how my body feels each day...it is easy, at this stage, to not even notice a tiny bite...it is so mild. I'm watching and listening to my body to see how it is abating. The course of this disease is like a storm that overwhelms us suddenly with lightning, thunder and curtains of hail, but vanishes with a mild breeze, scattered light showers, and the odd raindrop here and there. For you newcomers, who are struggling mightily, I want you to know that you WILL get well, just as I and many others have! Patience is everything. Your anxiety will diminish as you continue with the protocol. Sound sleep, mental and emotional ease, hearty appetite and physical energy will all return to you. Know that you will face bumps and set-backs, but just keep on "keeping on" as Mel always says...stick to the sum of the parts, and you will get there! I have clung to hope from the horrible beginning, thanks to Mel and my friends here, and that is what brought me through. love and hugs, Maria | |||
Linda 5/18/2020 9:56:45 AM | Hi Maria Your post was so informative. How wonderful that you are starting to feel like you're getting to the finish line. I really liked your analogy too about the forest and invisible beasts. This is a bad dream. Thank you for sharing your post and all the great tips that I constantly need reminders of. Blessings to you. Love Linda | |||
Tea 5/15/2020 10:04:27 AM | Hi Maria! Such an amazing testimony you share! Thank you, it’s gives me a big smile!! I love reading about your journey, everything you’ve been through and everything that you continue to do, to keep on going...Your story is such an inspiration to us all!! When you tell the story about the nightmare, I think we all can see ourselves in that same place. Places for some of us are still so dark, others see a bit of light coming and others like you, are seeing light with the freshness of life in the beautiful living things all around you. Thank you so much for sharing. I love reading it, receiving the encouragement in your story and to be reminded that there is hope as long as we keep pressing through by following the guidelines and staying connected to our community. All together it’s a definite positive game changer!! Blessings!! | |||
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