Christine 2/23/2019 9:08:04 AM | Thanks again to everyone for their thoughts and sound advice. I am feeling overwhelmed and as I stated, not very hopeful at this point. I will work on being more Christ-focused and in learning more about what we're dealing with. I am so sick I am not able to work; focus is difficult. My vision is an issue as well. Given the length of my illness and the many things I've already tried, it's easy to feel disheartened. Is there still hope given how long I've been ill with Lyme and now Morgellon's? | ||||||
Laura 2/22/2019 9:49:40 AM | Dear Christine, I was bit by something in late June 2015 and did not know it was MD until November 2015. Although I started some type of protocol, it was not the one from this website. There was no community or help and I was just taking a variety of supplements. In late 2016, I found Peter who then introduced me to this community and Mel's protocol. That is when I finally began to heal. There are so many phases of healing from this disease. The protocol is only part of it. It requires a great amount of perseverance, discipline, faith and community involvement. I claim to be 95% healed and like Karen, my job hours have probably kept me from reaching the 100% club! After finding this community, I began to feel a sense of belonging. We are understood and never judged here. Unless you have this, there is no way anyone could really comprehend what we go through. To help me overcome my fears, I started writing poetry. It was so therapeutic for me and when I go back to re-read my Journey through Poetry, I realize just how much I have accomplished. It bring tears to my eyes and I am most grateful! There is nothing easy about this disease and we have forever changed. But in many ways, I have changed for the best. I have a better relationship with my Savior. Even though I loved and prayed to God before, it is better now. I have also learned to persevere no matter what. Never give up hope Christine. Learn to read and understand as much information from this community as possible. Through knowledge, you can calm your fears. Pick a journey and just begin reading it. You will be surprised how many things you will make connections to. Again, this calms your fears. Let God always be your guide and I pray you will stay the course. Victory is yours Christine! "I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken." Psalm 16:8 In Christ Love, Laura | ||||||
Christine 2/21/2019 7:22:49 AM | Thanks, Laura and Karen,Cheryl, May I ask how long you've been struggling with this toxic disease. How long you've been on the protocol and how you are doing at this point? I need all the encouragement I can get. I'm early in month two of Mel's protocol and feeling mighty depressed and somewhat hopeless right now. I believe I've had lyme for 30+ years and was diagnosed with Morgellon's in June of last year, though I feel certain I've had it for at least a few years. | ||||||
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