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Coffee Tea with Me "Robert Scott Bell"

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Original 7/6/2024 Post

9:27:01 PM

Morgellons - Coffee Tea with Me "Robert Scott Bell"

Hello Everyone,

Saturday's Coffee Tea with Me Conference Call with Robert Scott Bell was Fantastic!

What a wonderful time it was and so much great information given today with RSB!

Today's program was mainly questions ask by the listeners, all of which are fighting this disease along with other problems in their health. Samantha ask if Ivermectin was ok to take with the protocol and Robert suggested Sovereign Copper instead, he said copper is critical for pathways to open up also It assists in energy production and so on. Robert suggested a herbal form equivalent to Ivermectin called Herbal Mectin which you can get through

Robert spoke about Homeopathic help for your animals, Mel suggested to go to the website and type in the search engine "cats", "dogs", or "pet's", and you can read all the posts from the community about your pets and how to treat them .

Peter also suggested a medical grade air purifier for the fibers in your environment, this will help clean the air. Peter also suggested Kleen Green for your pets and to spray their bedding along with their coats a couple times a day.

Another question was about Essiac Tea, she ask do you need to do WPS if your taking the tea , Both Peter and Mel said WPS is a vital component to your healing and nothing can really replace it as of now. So yes still take WPS regardless. And if you take the tea and wps to separate the dosing. So always follow Mel's personalized instructions to you.

Robert went on to explain how minerals and nutrients have been depleted from the soil, so in turn our food no longer has the vital nutrients we need for good health, not to mention all the pesticides and herbicides also applied to the crops , and don't forget the now huge push of GMO'S that now take over our choices . Robert gave a Comprehensive explanation of how important Copper is to add to the protocol, Bee Pollen also is a good source of copper. Copper plays a vital role in our entire body function. Please listen to the call, there's so much important information I can't even begin to put down here. You will be happy you listened. Robert recommended Sovereign Copper, it is the safest form of copper and there's no concern about taking it safely..

Peter ask about POTS, Robert suggested his protocol of Soverign Silver and Aloe, it works in liver and gut restoration. You can find the recipe for this on Robert's website. Robert mentioned using Quercetin instead Hydroxychloroquine. Robert mentioned also that magnesium and copper work great for muscle spasms, so maybe instead of spasm medications, give this a try first.

Robert talked about the negative effects of wifi and cell towers, all devices have som negative effects on your health, Robert suggested using grounding pads which can be purchased on Amazon. Hooga Pads are one he recommends. He also mentioned a faraday bag for your phone, I'm not sure I spelled that right but you can look it up online, shouldn't be hard to find.

Katherine ask about tremors and Robert said Silica was important along with copper, magnesium, selenium, good fats and maybe the addition of coconut oil. This helps with the connective tissues. Peter added possible B2 deficiency, but ask your Dr to test you to be sure you are deficient. He also mentioned nicotine patches for Long COVID for restoring taste and smell.

Robert recommended Cardio Miracle for heart issues, to supplement COQ10 if your currently taking stations or have taken them , John B has added this to the protocol. Robert talked about the Silver thread pillow covers for added protection, so much wonderful information in this call today, it's a must listen, I can't possibly do justice to everything Robert shared with us today, I am so thankful for Robert taking the time to join us today and always look forward to hearing all he has to say, Thank You Robert!

I also want to thank Mel for hosting the call and providing for this community some of the best minds in the industry. Thank you also Peter for sharing with us as well, always appreciated!

That pretty much wraps up the call today and again I highly suggest listening to the call yourself so you don't miss a thing.

Blessings to All and I hope your doing well and making progress on your journey to recovery!

God Bless Everyone!

BYOQ Robert Scott Bell
Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 07/06/24

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8:46:33 AM


Hi All,

I just want to quickly mention to anyone who may be interested in this subject, I forgot to mention in the post I did on Saturday Coffee Tea with Me Conference Call, Robert gave a text number to listen to the long covid masterclass, completely free of charge!

You may personally be dealing with this but maybe someone you know who might be in dire need of this information and help, it's not a pleasant subject but a current and important one and I think we need to have all the available tools not only to address what we have already gone through but also strengthen our body to be able to stay healthy if something does come.

So the code he gave to text to was RSB 66866 , I couldn't get it to work myself but if you can't, he said to go to his website Robert Scott Bell show and register with your name and email ,the window will pop up, just register there for the news letter and my guess is you'll be able to Access it once that is done, I haven't done it yet but plan to shortly as soon as I start to feel better.
So Blessings to Everyone and hope you have a wonderful week ahead..

In his Love,