Chasity 1/25/2017 1:07:35 PM
I think that almost a year and a half from now and I felt like it was an uphill endless battle.
I had no more resources and no place to go with medical advice but finally God let me to Mel's website.
My five year old daughter and I have been suffering from work Morgellon's disease for over a year now.
We have been on the protocol now for two months but as expected we have our ups and downs. I am so glad we are getting better our good days outride are bad days now.
I'm suffering from degenerative disc disease as well but, try not to complain because having Morgellons disease has made me more humble and appreciative to life. These are only life challenges. God gave me the tools to beat this with Mel, Peter, John and my Morgellons community by my side, it's downhill from here.
I pray for us all and give thanks for our way to a happier, healthier way of life.
God loves you!