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Feeling very blessed

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Original 9/8/2023 Post

11:04:28 AM

This morning I realized the gifts God is providing. Yes I’m having a difficult time right now. Believe strongly that I’ll get through it.

I welcome the symptoms for bringing my attention to something my body needs. Crazy because who wants to fall.

Gifts of people like Mel which is right time. Then my acupuncturist is going to come to me. Heck the maintenance guy has become super attentive to anything to help. Even if it’s taking out the trash! Many others.

I’ve been including the ho’oponopono blessing with prayers. Although prayer helps me get out of bed. Being surrounded with God’s golden healing light is calming and wonderful.

I’m not in victim mode. That feels good then I’m more available to receive. Just grateful for the people in my life. And more importantly my life.

I send good wishes for all. God bless.