Amanda R. 9/8/2017 12:14:49 PM edit upload | Hello, everyone!! I'm back on my third month on the protocol. The good news is that I will keep going even if I'm knocked down and keep taking my meds and eating right. I am struggling with intense amounts of pain and dealing with a ton of stinging and biting sensations. Tons of specs come off of me, and I know that at least they don't like me now. I am buying new clothes to get relieve because my jeans hurt me so much. My environment is still an issue with myself living at my parents house. We have a family dog which I stay away from and try my best to work around my obstacles that are set before me. My family still itches and I see red marks on their skin not sure what's that about, but I'm thankful they seem happy and healthy. They go about their lives and I'm thankful they don't deal with what I deal with. School is hard for me due to the fact that people still itch around me, but I try to think calm.I only have one life to live and school is sometimes a blessing to me to learn from about health will benefit me from now on. Truthfully I struggle with extremely dark thoughts, but I love this community and everyone around it. I will continue to take the protocol and eat healthy and do my best to live even in the mist of my struggles. I won't give up, I won't. I WILL get better so I can help my family and this community. God bless everyone. |
Laura (aunt) 8/25/2017 6:59:01 AM | Dear Amanda, Let your determination to return to a "normal" college student be the force that drives you to health. Look at that as a positive rather than "I wish"! The force that finally made me "Angry" telling this disease it WILL NOT WIN was realizing how much time it has already taken from me and my Grandchildren. Now I am more determined than ever to take my life back. However saying that I know it requires perseverance, hard work, and rejection. I am finally rejecting the disease and guess what Amanda.......I AM WINNING! Karen's words were so amazingly shared with you in this post. Please start believing in YOURSELF because you are young and have your whole life ahead of you. This is just a small detour. I love that you have started posing again. This is also the "SUM" of the parts. We understand, we care, and we are here for you! Lastly Amanda, please remember to love and put FAITH in our Lord and his word. He is also there for you just waiting for you to reach out to him. "Great peace have those who love his law, and nothing can make them stumble. Psalm 119:165 In Christ Love, Laura |
Karen 8/24/2017 3:55:43 PM edit upload | Hi Amanda, Your post painted such a vivid picture of your experiences. Good for you for sharing and reaching out to those of us who understand only too well. The thoughts of our disease affecting others is normal. Besides battling this indescribable internal monster, we also have to deal with our concerns about affecting those around us. These thoughts are unfounded...though they do illustrate what a good person you are to care so deeply about others. Please let those thoughts go and remember you are a beloved child of God. Mel has often said this disease is everywhere. I've been working and socializing since I became ill with MD almost two years ago, and no one, in any area of my life has caught it. As I've mentioned in past posts, I have a doctor who does recognize and understand MD. I'd like to qualify the word "understand" because, while she does understand it biologically, she still does prescribe antibiotics which I now believe are not the route to go. I have come to this conclusion based on my own experiences, so...while I'm not a doctor, I do have personal evidence so support my opinion. She's a wonderful doctor, and considered one of the top docs in her large metropolitan area. She is very respected throughout the medical community, and other doctors send their hard to treat cases to her for Lyme and other illnesses. It's very difficult to even get an appointment with her. I say all of this to illustrate her qualifications, but even with this pedigree, and even with her understanding of the disease from her perspective, she doesn't go into much at all about diet...just told me to stay away from sugar, alcohol and carbs. She hasn't given me any information about rest, or water, or stress, or how to address the environment...and all of these are hugely important factors in the sum of the parts. She has recommended a few supplements, but by no means anything as comprehensive as what is offered through Logos. I say all of this to front load what I think of as caveats and disclaimers before I share the following. The first thing I asked her after she clinically diagnosed me with MD is whether or not I was contagious. This was in January of 2016 and she'd recently returned from the International Lyme Conference. She'd attended a break out session on MD where much had been discussed related to the recent study relating MD to Lyme Disease. She handed me a summary of the study, and I was very appreciative, though I'd read the entire study only two months prior. I was extremely pleased she was aware of it and deeply appreciative of her support. So...back to the contagious question I'd asked of her. Her response was (and I'm paraphrasing, though I did record this initial conversation with her permission)...there's no evidence to support it's contagious...and...based on the research, when more than one person in a household has this disease, it is likely because of exposure to environment, not person to person. I put in all the backstory about my experience with my doctor because I'm well aware that I'm picking and choosing what I will believe from my doctor. For example...I do not believe pharmaceuticals will restore health from MD...but I also don't believe I'm contagious to others. I still wasn't sure at first...but what my doctor said, along with my personal experience has now convinced me this is true. Because of this, I eventually let the "affecting others" concern go...but it took me a while. I'm glad I did though, because my concerns were unfounded and only served to make me crazy with worry and turn me into a stand off-ish and quasi-deranged cleaning machine everywhere I went. So...if you see someone lightly scratching, then just LET IT GO. That does NOT mean what you fear. I'm not minimizing your reaction to this...it's normal to start thinking awful thoughts like feeling unclean with this Old Testament-esque illness...but...if your thoughts are running in that direction...just remember...there is no evidence to support it. As a matter of fact, I suspect the population of MD sufferers is probably more obsessed with being clean than anyone anywhere. I often refer to myself as the Bubble Girl because of all of the precautions I take with my personal hygiene, health, and environment...and that alone plus working or going to school can wear you out which will, in turn, make anyone tend to worry more...and being worn out is not our friend on any level. If you think about it, those around you are probably more likely to make YOU sick(er) than you are to affect them...so...nothing to worry about in that department, ok? You're still very young. That is a huge bonus in your recovery. Children heal from this very nicely. You're obviously past being a child, but youth is still on your side. Clearly, you're very intelligent as well...and that will work in your favor too as you battle through the tough months ahead. As we all know...knowledge is power. However...and this is coming from someone who is no longer young...I do remember what it was like. A semester seems like a pretty long time. A year seems like a very long time, and two or three years seems like an ice age. It would be normal for you to be looking around at your peers and wondering if you'll ever be able to participate in all the fun...or have energy again...or find a person to share your life with. I definitely believe you'll have all of those things. This disease does take time to conquer, but...just stay focused on the goal, and you'll get there. There are so many exciting things ahead of you...and...please keep up your good work because with your knowledge and determination, there is no doubt you WILL succeed...and you WILL have all the things you're currently missing in life right now...and even better, you'll have a bright future of vibrant health ahead of you because of all of the health practices you are now learning. And...the best news right now is that your cognition is back...yea!!!! That will allow you to focus on your studies. It's easy for me to say at this point in my life that your course work is more important than anything else. That's sure not what I thought when I was in college...but looking back, I wish I had. It would have made things so much easier in the long run. Now MD is forcing you to narrow your focus to health and education, but...it will serve you well in the end. It's obvious you enjoy learning...so just lean into this time in your life and see it as a time period to develop your brain and your health. It will definitely pay off in the end. Ok...this got pretty long. Please forgive me...I totally lack the ability to be succinct...and your post touched my heart. My daughter is also named Amanda, and we called her Panda from the time she was a baby...so...of course your story has gotten my attention. So...hang in there Amanda Panda. It'll all work out in the end. Karen |
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