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Original 2/23/2023 Post

9:32:36 AM

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Was looking thur search engine and saw were people was eating cottage cheese, any ideas about this Tea,Joe, Or anyone.

Chrissy some good Scotland recipes for the summer!? Let’s see if we can come up with any,even though you are well, Karen I know you have had some great recipes and shared them with us.

Never know what will be on grocery shelves anymore!

Hope everyone is having a great week!

Praying for all!
God’s Blessings

Responses (Newest First)

8:23:17 AM

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Hi Nancy!!

Great to always hear from you! So to answer your question, if it’s dairy, it’s not recommended if your battling infections, especially candida as well as arthritis. It can/will make it much worse.

As we get better it maybe an option, just not everyday, maybe once or twice a week.

I hope you find this helpful! Missed you on the payer call Sunday, so I hope all is well!

Take care!