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For the 'newly stricken'

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Original 1/17/2013 Post

6:52:46 PM

Hello New Warriors


I wanted to create this post to give you some help with common questions many of you may have. Please note that what is here is only meant to help you better understand. I want to help share what I can.

You probably realize you are in a 'real rut.' But a rut has two sides to climb out of! There will be 'bumps in the road' ahead. Use the bumps to climb on. You will have fear and you will cry. Turn your fear over to God. He will never forsake or abandon you! Let your tears create rainbows. Those rainbows will arrive after 3 months on this protocol. Want proof? I am proof. Some eight months on the protocol and I feel wonderful. I see myself completely cured this time next year!!! Remain steadfast and PATIENT on this journey back and you will discover much about yourself along the way.

THE FIRST RULE: ' There is no 'QUICK FIX.'

Mel uses the terms 'slow and steady' and 'the sum of the parts' This means that in order to get well you accept that it will take at least 18 months, without exception, of following the Protocol and committing to strict habits along the way. This takes courage and discipline!

So, here is a good start for you.


Purging is the term used to explain how 'stuff' comes out of your skin. Purging comes in cycles and at different times and in different ways . It is your skin getting rid of 'bad stuff' and a major way we get this disease out of our body. Skin purging gets worse during a Full Moon.

Fungal hairs are what appear where there is usually normal hair. But they are not really hair. One very good way to treat them and your skin is with 'essential oils.' They help you purge. I use Eucalyptus, Rosemary, and Coconut oil. It is best not to 'mess' with fungal hairs in any other way outside of oils as they then may spread.


'Detoxing' is another word for dumping toxins, Candida(yeast), and heavy metals from our bodies. This is what the protocol allows us to do. This is part of getting well. When you are purging you are detoxing!


We have too much Candida (Yeast)in our bodies. We also have destructive Fungus. Candida and fungus feed on sugar. AVOID SUGAR COMPLETELY!! Sugar will make more skin issues and keep you sick! Eating foods like bread, potatoes, and white rice contain starch. Starch turns to sugar which will make more skin issues. Eat brown rice and brown rice bread instead.


1. KLEEN GREEN gets rid of all 'the stuff' that gets all over everything at home and in your car. It also gets rid of tiny pests like mites. Spraying it on the skin will also help reduce itching, pimpling and leathering. Type Kleen green in the search engine for how to buy it at a discount and It comes with a brochure on how to use it.

2. Odoban works great to kill mold and fungus at home (especially the bathroom.) It will kill most all germs and disinfect most surfaces. This can be purchased at Home Depot for around $10 dollars a gallon and is concentrated.

3. MSN Sulfur can be purchased at most health food stores and in retail vitamin aisles.

Finally, USE THE SEARCH ENGINE! If you can't find the answers to your questions there, post questions here and I will answer if I can.


Responses (Newest First)

9:38:27 AM

Morgellons -  With Leslie and Thomas  driving the Tank, We can not lose!
With Leslie and Thomas driving the Tank, We can not lose!

Hello Everyone and Welcome,

We, the three amigos finally agreed on something. How important this call will be for anyone in the early stages of dealing with toxic diseases!

So please, listen and learn and eradicate the fear !! You will have a much better idea of what you will be dealing with in the coming months.

More knowledge = Less fear.!!!
Less fear = easier to move forward.

Thanks to the tank,

God bless you all,


Coffee, Tea with Me 08-05-17
Thomas the Tank shares his six month update

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8:45:35 AM

Morgellons - For the 'newly stricken'

Hello Peter, Thank you for the research and useful knowledge you put into this thread.

It has so much Information that can be helpful to others and myself.

I sure wish I found it 3-yrs. ago as it would have saved me lots of funds and time, Some treatments set me back and I didn't want other people to make the same mistake and I needed to let the toxic disease suffers know this is right here to guide them with this very confusing disease.

It seems like this thread has so much of what I know now to work.
Nice research & hands on protocol what works best, Much appreciated as this must of taken lots of hard work and time.

This Information is explained clearly to get a people's treatment going in the right direction.

I know you were taught by Mel and John B. as it sure shows they both did a wonderful job teaching you.

Thank you very much as you truly are a Blessing from above.--Donald

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